Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

Fig. 4 Final result (section) 
Fig. 3 shows the LANDSAT MSS scene section on which the visual 
la was based. A section of the final map is given 
in Figs. 4. 
The image quality is very bad; a digital multispectral classification 
with respect to geological and geographical features would not be 
sucessful. Consequently, the visual interpretation, controlled by a 
geologist, gives better results. These results are quantized, referring 
geometically to the UTM map system. The analytical plotter offers by 
simple subroutines precise determination of distances and areas, 
without previous digital image processing. The optical components for 
visual interpretation allow excellent viewing, much better than any 
One may object, however, that the Planicomp System, designed for con- 
yentional photogrammetry and offering a coordinate accuracy of aproximately 
- Jum, is an order of magnitude "too precise" for LANDSAT imagery with 
50 um resolution. This may change for forthcoming high resolution 
spaceborne imaging systems; but for these cases the geometrical models 
will have to be much more rigorously defind than for LANDSAT MSS. 
/1/ | 8áhr, H.P.: Geometric Analysis and Rectification of 
LANDSAT MSS Imagery: Comparison of Different 
Methods .ISPRS, Comm. III, Symposium Moscow 1978 
/2/  Berutti Viera, A.J.: Digital Image Processing at the "Curso de PÓós - 
Graduaçäo em Ciëncias Geodésicas" of the 
Federal University in Curitiba - Brazil. 
ISPRS, Comm. IV, Rio 1984 
/3/  Caneparo, S.L.- Metodologia para Restituigdo de Imagens 
LANDSAT num Instrumento Analítico (ZEISS - 
Planicomp), Aplicada ao Mapeamento de Sedimentos 
do Litoral Norte do Estado do Paraná. Curso 
de Pôs-Graduaçäo em Ciencias Geodésicas, 
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba 1983 
/4/ Clerici, E., Two Methods of Plotting from LANDSAT Imagery 
Harley, l.: Using Analogue Instruments. ISPRS, Comm III, 
Hamburg 1980 
/5/  Konecny, G.: Geometrical Aspects of Remote Sensing. ISPRS 
Comm. III, Ottawa 1972 
/6/ Rocha, M.0.: Comparagdo de medidas de areas de desmatamento em 
imagens MSS do LANDSAT, através do restituidor ana- 
lítico PLANICOMP C - 100 com outras fontes de 
informacáo. Curso de P6s-Graduaçäo em Ciéncias 
Geodésicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 
Curitiba 1983 

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