Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

This section provides a detailed description of the ARIES-II 
Application Software Package (A2ASP), highlighting its unique design 
features and its comprehensive set of image manipulation, enhance- 
ment, ‘and classification tasks. 
SOFTWARE POLICY "The worth of any computer based system is 
largely a function of the quality of its software”. DIPIX Systems 
Limited takes great pride in the quality and integrity of its soft- 
ware and traditionally has put a major effort into software design 
and configuration control. The entire A2ASP represents over 100 
man-years of software development effort. 
PERFORMANCE System performance is determined by the capabil- 
ity of the hardware and by the quality of the software. Generally, 
for Image Analysis Systems, speed is of essence and software must be 
optimized to return the best speed performance consistent with 
availability of system resources, ease of use, flexibility and main- 
tainability. ARIES-II software has been optimized for speed wher- 
ever applicable without adversely affecting the two remaining objec- 
tives listed below. Software design which is hardware-resource 
hungry is poor design.  ARIES-II software utilizes hardware resource 
in a manner which is both efficient and cost-effective. 
Software which is prone to failure is hardly suited to an 
operational environment. The production of error free software is 
aided through adequate attention being given to quality control dur- 
ing software testing and debugging. Nevertheless, only well de- 
signed software which has been extensively used in the field will 
attain an error-free status consistent with an Operational environ- 
ment.  ARIES-II software has a release history going back over many 
years with continual feedback to the designers from application 
oriented users. Over the period, ARIES-II software has developed 
into an extremely relevant and mature software package. 
EASE OF USE Software must be designed to be easily used by 
personnel without computer expertise. This is ensured by insisting 
that all operator interaction. be in the form of clearly prompted 
plain language instructions, by careful checking of operator re- 
sponses for error, and by the provision of.a comprehensive, easy to 
follow operator's manual. 
MAINTAINABILITY System software must be easy to maintain par- 
ticularly with a view to expanding the software package to include 
Dew functions. ARIES-II software maintainability | is enhanced 
| a) Provision of excellent software documentation, mainly in 
the form of self-documenting source code. 
b) Use of a highly structured approach to software genera- 
tion using standards refined over many years and proven 
in many different projects. 

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