Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

Rüdenauer, H.: 
Hobbie, D.: 
Hobbie, D.: 
Ackermann, F.: 
Kotowski, R.: 
Makarovic, B.: 
Rüdenauer, H.: 
Reinhardt, W.: 
Saile,. d.- 
Hobbie, D.: 
Die PLANICOMP-Familie, Merkmale und Neuerungen 
Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 52, Heft 1, 1984, 40-49 
Planicomp C100, das analytische stereoauswertesys tem 
von CARL ZEISS, Oberkochen 
Presented Paper, Commission II, 13th Congress of 
Photogrammetry, Helsinki 1976 
C100 Planicomp, The Analytical Stereoplotting System 
from Carl Zeiss’ 
Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol 43, No. 11, 1977, 
D. 13577 to 1390 
High Precision Digital Image Correlation 
39th Photogrammetric Week at Stuttgart University, 
September 1983 
Zur Reseaukorrektur von systematischen Bildfehlern 
Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 52, Vol. 2, 1984 
Progressive Sampling for Digital Terrain Models 
ITC Journal 1973-3 
Analytisches Plotter-Programm zur objektiven on-line 
Punktdichtebestimmung in Digitalen Hóhenmodellen 
Presented Paper, Commission II, 14th International 
Congress of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Hamburg 1980 
A program for progressive sampling for the C100 
Proceedings of the 39th Photogrammetric Week at 
Stuttgart University 1983. Institut für Photo- 
grammetrie, Stuttgart, Heft 9, 1984. 
Graphical Plotting with the ZEISS PLANIMAP System 
Presented Paper, Commission IV, 15th International 
Congress of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Rio de Janeiro, 1984 
Extended Graphical Plotting with the PLANICOMP 
Proceedings of the 39th Photogrammetric Week at 
Stuttgart university 1993. "Institut für Photo- 
grammetrie, Stuttgart, Heft 9, 1984.

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