Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

Provided the 4 degree of freedom x, y, Pos Py with motors and then 
connected to a TP-86A computer, any commoncgnozrzter can be turned 
into what we called DEMER. In the image space, when relative and 
absolute orientation of the model is completed, the only problem 
left is how to realise the circulative procedure. 
Traditionally we have: (x, y, Pe = 7, (x, y, Z) but we need: (x, y, 
2) = Ja (x, y, P,). 
As the explicit function 7; is hard to get, the only thing we can 
do is to make iterative solution of the function 7, (see Figure 7). 
With the circulation: The correlation, the resposive solution of 
the implicit function and the collinearity equations etc. are con- 
verged at the time, which of course needs highly frequent inter- 
PX hand, Hand — [B rain-— Eye. 
wheel | | 
— NT 
IP encoder| | N 
| | Movement of 
Decisior |, Carriage N. 
| circuit 
STE, NT movement | 
[Intel 8253 ' of Service | 
counter | Intel 8255 System | 
Y | parallel 
TPS6 RAM | interface 
| Using f^ in foward [P 
—> Figuring out the value 
intersection computation | needed for f. rion 
CPU 8086 | | CPU 8086 
Figure 7. 
(2) Mieroprocessorized 5579 System 
For the wide use of ISI, every degree of freedom is manipulated 
with one 8-bit processor. Realisation: ISI+triode=s=rvo -system.

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