Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

ent | 
For the position feed-back, speed control and acceleration the pro- 
gramms have been developed. The step motors are used; thus the pro- 
gramms for differentiating circuit, speed acceleration and decele- 
ration, position feedback etc., are all firmed into the ROM, that 
is in the chip 2732 (see Figure 8). 
| 280+ ROM ! 
) E n rama for —..  [Directioni | nu 
16 bit | CTOF—]identifi- [Encoder|- 
single || Position feea- al oh «—]— Encoder| vey 
board | back, differen- | i = 
Iprocessor| | | 1251€ circuit, Motor 
of higher uniformization, eO | X 
level | jacceleration E Parallel [> 
- ‘ and deccelera- port | t E 
| [tion gr port |  TTL3A 
‘On a single board! 
Figure 8. 
(3) Elementary Artificial Intelligence 
A modern instrument can be used both for routine production and 
for trainning of operators. This means that in the computer not 
only stored the program-natured codes but also the non-programme- 
natured codes which lead the treinee through his practice in the 
way chosen. A cheap lettering terminal can possibly be used to 
display the approximate position of a point. It will be helpful 
for finding control points and koving the density of the points. 
The gross errors elemination, part repeatition and the automatic 
pointing to the certain standard points, all of these give much 
help to the operator at the orientation stage. The automatic scan- 
ning density control system possibly has some value, but it seems 
more practical using the "fore-sighted observation" to forcast 
the next point from measured points, and automatically set it on 
the hand wheels. As long as the operator is pointing, the machine 
will not go automaticly to the next point. This point by point 
observation form has proved to be high in both accuracy and speed. 

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