jo 1
1).A:system oriented to image acquisition from transparent or o
paque supports. The main components are:
- H.P.2113 Computer with 640 Kb core memory and disk,tape and
printer devices
- MFA's scanners: this is a set of computer controlled micropho
tometers based on different optoelectronic devices (TV camera
-TV=3 photomultiplier ~-PS~- and photodiode “array -LS}).
- Image display: it is a microprocessor based system for the dis
play.of.512x512.pixel gray-level.or color images:
2) A system oriented to interactive data processing. The main
components are:
- H.P.2117 Computer with 1Mb core memory and disk, tape and prin
ter devices. :
- Graphic terminal: it is a high resolution storage display with
1024x780 points.
3) A system oriented to automatic data preprocessing. The main
components are:
- GOULD SEL Concept 32/27 Computer with 2M core memory, and disk,
tape and printer devices.
- Display Computer: it is a microprocessor based system under the
control of CP/M Operating System for the manipulation and dis-
play of 1024x1024 pixel images.
- Vector Processor MAP 300: it is a computer dedicated to fast
parallel arithmetic operations.
The first and the second system above mentioned can inter-commu
nicate by means of a common mass storage area; a serial link con
nects the H.P.2117 Computer to the SEL 32/27. Computer.
A single high-level language has been implemented on all the sys
tems in order to create a predefined image data processing envi-
5. The Scanning Device
In our case we used the high precision MFA/250/LS Microphotome-
ter, which can measure the optical density transparency of large
format photograms. (3)
A sketch of the MFA/250/LS is shown in fig.5. Its main components
- an electronic device R, made by a 2048 diodes array Reticon
2048 H and relative electronics;
- a focusing objective O;
- à luminous source S, fixed with respect to the sensor R;
- à film holder H;
à step-motor assembly M, which supports the plate holder.
The luminous source is parallel to the optoelectronic sensor,
and both are aligned along the Y direction of the figure; the