Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

J.B. Case contributed to development of an automatic all-digital 
photogrammetric integrated system. Z. Jaksic analysed and assessed 
critically the potential and problems involved in all-digital sys- 
Specific data base systems and/or parts thereoff have been elabora- 
ted by G. Konecny (and his group) and by several representatives of 
instrument manufacturers (D. Hobbie, J. Klaver, E. Vozikis). 
M.M. Allam took further initiative in the ISPRS Correlation Test; 
new test material, data and instructions were distributed to test- 
participants. F.A. Scarano proposed artificial test targets and a 
corresponding procedure for testing. I.J. Dowman analysed data on 
performance of the present systems. Moreover, considerations for 
theoretical assessment of the performance were made by U.V. Helava 
and the author. 
In October 1983, a colloquium was held by W.G. II-1 and II-2 in 
Enschede. The main objective was to plan activities for the Congress 
in Rio de Janeiro. To this end, the technical information was pre- 
viewed in three half-day sessions (anhex 4). The colloquium was 
attended by 23 members and several guests and friends of both 
Working Groups. In addition to technical sessions, two business 
meetings were held, i.e., to plan papers for Rio, to consider propo- 
sals for resolutions, and for planning tentatively the W.G. sessions 
and business meetings to be held at the congress. 
At the Rio congress, two technical sessions have been scheduled for 
W.G. II-2 on "Automatic Equipment and Systems". In addition there 
will be a joint panel discussion session with W.G. II-1. 
The following papers are scheduled for presentation at the first 
W.G. II-2 session: 
B. Makarovié: "Report on Working Group II-2" 
Z. Jaksic: "Automatic equipment and systems" 
G.L. Hobrough, "Stereo correlation for large scale" 
T.B. Hobrough: 
J. Albertz, G. Koenig: "A digital stereophotogrammetric system" 
For the second session have been scheduled the following papers: 
T.O. Binford: "Intelligent system for stereo-mapping" 
M.M. Allam: "The status of the ISPRS Correlation Test" 
D. Pape: "Final report on the Rastor Correlator development" 
R.R. Real: "Portable system for digital processing of dynamic video 
Other papers contributed to W.G. II-2 have not been scheduled for 
oral presentations at the sessions because of limitation in time. 
The following issues have been considered for resolutions: 
The future of W.G. II-2, systems and equipment for training and 
research, and the name of the Commission II (e.g., "Photogrammetric 
systems for mensuration, processing and presentation of data"). 

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