Present trends of development call for continuation of the W.G.
activities. An important area to be dealt with is digital off-line
systems for mapping and engineering construction works. Digital on-
line systems for handling dynamic scenes, such as in industry and
medicine, represent another important field. Integrated distributed
network systems with automatic components incorporated are also
gaining in importance, as well as the interactive (man-machine)
capabilities. Moreover, improved quality control should be devised
for all stages of the process.
It gives me great satisfaction to express my gratitude for excellent
cooperation to Z. Jaksic, President of commission II, L.W. Fritz,
Chairman of W.C. II-1, M. McKenzie, Secretaty of WC II-1,:' Mr. J.
Tariel, Secretary of W.G. II-2, and to all members of the W.G. II-2.
My sincere thanks also to the Directorate of ITC for generous sup-
port throughout the whole period of the mandate, and in particular
at the Enschede Colloquium.
Annex 1
Dr. M. M. Allam (Canada), Dr. H. H. Baker (USA), Prof. Dr. T.:9.
Binford (USA), Mr. E. B. Brunson (USA), Dr. J. B. Case (USA), Dr. T.
J. Dowman (UK), Mr. M. G. Ducher (France), Mr. S. J. Friedman (USA),
Dr.-Ing. U.V. Helava (USA), Mr. 6C. L. Hobrough (Canada), Dr.'2.
Jaksic (Canada), Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Koneeny (W. Germany), Dr. Ing.
G. Lindig (W. Germany), Mr. Ph. Munier (France), Dr.-Ing. D. Pape
(W. Germany), Mr. R. R. Real (Canada), Mr. M. Roos (USA), Mr. F. A.
Scarano (USA), Mr. G.K. Schleibener (Canada), Dr. Ch.C. Slama (USA),
Mr. R. H. Seymour (USA), Mr. J. Tariel (The Netherlands), Dr.-Ing.
E... Vozikis (Switzerland), Mr. Gs A. Wood (USA), Mr.- H. "Yzerman
Annex 2
November 3 - 5, 1981
List of papers (unpublished)
Allam, M. M. "Future correlation tests”
Munier, Ph. "Report on orthophoto questionnaire OEEPE"
Case, J.B. "New Developments at US DMA"
Perry, L. "AP Software"
Lindig, Ing. G. "Current state and future of correlation tests"
Jaksic, Z. "Data base systems and management"
Scarano, F.A. "Advanced correlation technique"
Real, R.R. "Application of new electronic components to short range
Makarovié¢, B. "Feedforeward adaptive control in digital image