To complete the picture for standardization” of object space,
ong must consider the three remaining parameters that describe
the, spatial, orientation of: a photograph. These are the three
angles which define the rotational attitude of the camera in
space. For consistency these parameters should describe the
angular position of the camera relative tofithe local vertical
of the geodetic coordinates of the-airstation position. -Tf
this is done, simple: transformations can be‘computed to bring
these angles into the rectangular system selected for the
"model." In this way, any photograph can be immediately :
orientated with any other without the need for any intermediate
parallax measurement and computation. In fact, it 15 possible
that adjoining photographs from different projects (and times)
couid be directiy "set;up" (a valuable tool for change detec-
tion,.etc.)4. The.onlysmedsuremeünt'that-is-necessary is the
requirement that the operator "define".the relationship be-
tween the photographic and macrine coordinate systems (interior
Orientation)... This reauiresituat precise pointings be made
of the camera's imaged fiducial markers.
The third area of concern for standardization is.that.one
which describes the internal characteristics of the camera.
Fortunately, this falls in the purview of Commission I of
ISPGRS and is presently being addressed by H. Ziemann of the
National Research Council of Canada. Hopefully, Dr. Ziemann
will be successful in establishingia universal system of
describing the distortion of a photographic lens that can be
easily adapted by the users of analytical stereoplotters.
In this suggested "standardization," all of the internal
computations for servo response are left to the ingenuity of
the designer of the analytical stereoplotter. On the whole,
the form for these computations are usually dictated by
machine design and computer speed. The accuracy, ease of
operation, flexibility, speed, etc. are all characteristics
of individual design which can be measured if the input and
output are standardized. More important, if one is given
two photographs with six consistent parameters each (along
with camera characteristics), he can place them in his
plotter--make precise points on fiducials and proceed to
directly extract data.