Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

- Digitization of existing maps (contour lines, single 
points arranged in an array or irregularly). 
- Local measurements (terrain points arranged in an array 
or irregularly). 
— Coordinate lists (filed digital height models), 
302. DÉTO program a 
The DETC program serves for the calculation of control data 
for the off-line differential rectification with the TOPO- 
CART-ORTHOPHOT equipment system with digital control unit, 
cross slope corrector andI/0 periphery. Apart from z data 
for the automatic height tracking it also calculates data 
on the terrain cross slope on the basis of a digital height 
model, which is stored in various files of the TOPAS data 
In addition to the control dats for the production of an 
orthophoto the control data for the production of a stereo= 
mate can simultaneously be produced for the same photo, 
The latter can also be calculated without the use of the 
digital height model stored in the data bank on the basis 
of profile data for the appropriate orthophoto (which were 
an Outcome of on-line differential rectification), 
The interpolation of the individual grid points at the 
distance Oy per profile is performed by the method of the 
gliding tilted plane. 
The major performance parameters of the DETO program are: 
= Calculation of data for the cross slope corrector for 
correcting the influence of the terrain cross slope in 
orthophoto production, so that especially in hilly ter- 
rain a considerable increase in working productivity is 
achieved by a larger profile spacing. 
= Double model orthophoto productions, so that only every 
end model in the TOPOCART must be oriented, 
Repetition of restitutions 
Automatic reduction of the given slit width or y step 
width (if the minimum has not yet been reached) in the 
case of too large terrain cross slopes. 
= Inspection for gross errors of the measuring values in- 
tended to be used for the interpolation of the profile 
points; faulty points are not used for interpolation. 
Bede CONT program 
Since orthophotos must frequently be complemented by con= 
tour lines, a program has been elaborated, which calculates 
control data for the automatic drawing of contour lines on 
the DZT 90 x 120. In one program run the CONT program 
calculates up to maximally 100 contour lines with constant 
contour line spacing. As with the DETO program, basis are 
the files of the TCPAS data bank which in their sum must 
cover the map sheet to be drawn. 
The interpolation of the individual grid points is performed 
analogously to DETO by the method of the gliding tilted 
plane. The interpolation of the reference points of the

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