Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A2)

Before the beginning of orientation the control point data 
by means of the editor have to be entered into a control 
point file, whioh will get the name of the project, During 
measurement in the relatively oriented model, the assign- 
ment of the measured point to the control point is made 
via the control point number entered on the display. For 
determining the unknowns of absolute orientation two known 
control points of position and height and another height 
control point are required in the minimum case. However, for 
increasing the accuracy it is recommended to use additional 
control points (up to max. 15). 
After calculation, the national coordinates with the deter- 
mined residual errors as well as the mean positional errors 
and the mean height error are output. In variant 3 also the 
orientation data for the stereoplotting machine (9 ; v0, x, 
bx, by, bz) are made available. : 
In case that no spatial transformation is necessary, the 
unit matrix is used instead of the transformation matrix, 
So that the coordinates of the relatively or absolutely 
oriented model can be output, 
The correlation of the drawing table with the model can sub= 
Sequently be established by the following four possibilities: 
« Corrslation with a common point 
«correlation by using control points for position trans 
— display of profiles 
— perspective representation 
3.4. Mappi 
In the subprogram of mapping nine basic functions are realized. 
The basic functions can be associated with numerous options. 
In the following merely the major drawing functions shall ove 
Polygon function 
— linear connection of measuring points 
closing the polygon 
connection to polygons measured before 
establishment of an alignment direction 
calculation of area 
Rectangle function 
- adjustment of a polygon for rectangularity 
- adjustment for rectangularity according to the fixed 
alignment direction 
—- completion and closing of a rectangular polygon 
Curve function 
= Curve interpolation between the measured points 
— transition straight line - curve = straight line 
Circle function 
~ Oiroie interpolation including circular arcs 

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