Dr. Marshall B. Faintich
Chief, Advanced Technology Division
Systems and Techniques Directorate
Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center
St.n Louis, Missouri 63118 U.S.A.
Commission ITTI
The state-of- the- art of production of digital terrzin models
has progressed from simple digitization of contour sheets
with subsequent digital interpolation to analytical stereo
compilation with full photogrammetric contrel. Furthermore,
current developmental efforts include digital terrain models
produced by automatic digital stereo image © rrelation,
analysis of multispectral responses influenced by terrain
modulation, and compilation from stereos synthetic aperture
radar imagery... In addition, theoretical studies are
addressing geomorphological quality and accuracy estimation terrain models, empirical studies are add lressing
model differences as a function of production equipment/
methodology, and experimental novios are developing tech-
niques for digital terrain model anomaly detection and re-
[he task of,.compilins a comprehensive paper on the state-
of-the-art of digital terrain models is indeed a complex
issue... This is due primariiy because of the ever-increasing
demand to represent terrain in a digital format for expioi-
tation bv analysts using modern computers for a variety of
apPIICaCIONS, including resource exploration, land use and
mission planning, computerized galdance systems, aircraft
and land vehicle simulators, and automated chart production.
Because of the wide variation of source data, including var-
ious types.of sensor data, different scales and resolution
of input soie and magnitude of required terrain coverage,
coupled with the variation of photogrammetric exploitation
equipment and es resources, digital terrain model
producers have developed a wide variety of state-of-the-
art techniques to optimize production based on individual
production requirements, source information, and exploita-
tion equipment combinations
To further enhance the complexity of the issue, similar in-
dividual scenarios have resulted in variations In digital
terrain model data structure, storage, and representation.
The one common thread in the various production and repre-
sentation methodologies for digital terrain models is the
reauirement to mathematicallv measure the accuracy and
quality of the models, and to develop techniques to remove