comparison of repeated measure
quality of che production proc
D. Ei
ents and relates to:the
Positional Accuracy
Positional accuracy of'a DIM is a measure of all errors
with respect to a fixed (absolute) or relative (local)
coordinate system. Such errors include horizontal-and
vertical displacement, rotation of axes, and non-linear
differential scalin ng/warpage in any direction. Systematic
errors can be described by a seven parameter non-linear
error function:
E (X, Y, Z, gy $, K, Sis
where; X, Y Z are translational errors:
wy 0, x are rotational errors;
S'is.the.non-Iáinear scaling-error.
It is not always a simple matter to determine for a single
point in a DTM which of the seven parameters is contribut-
ing to a positional error, but there may be global solutions
for the entire DTM.
Data Commonality
Data commonality is the degree of congruence between dif-
ferent DTIM's; i.e., the degreeiito which two DTM's have the
same parameter values for the same geographical location.
Data Compatibility
Data compatibility is the degree of agreement between dif-
ferent DIM'ss i.e., the degree to io ch two DTM's have
parameter values within the preci RE of each
other for the same geosraphical n
(Representation) Error
Once DIM information is compiled, further proce
add additional errors into the DTM when it is c
Or reformatted. A varietv of compression algori
been developed. Additionaliv, various structur
formations have been used for user specific requirements.
Jancaitis (1977) developed a RerRedotos y for the *rans-
formation of uniformally gridded dig tal elevation values
into coefficients for polynomial su ce patches, Jacobi
and Kubik (1682) and SRE erai. User address
the problem of usins'fractals to de
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ness. oeverai A rChers have inv