Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A3)

We use this notation to avoid convolutions, especially deconvolutions in the spectral domain. 
This enables us to show clearly the shift of a function, which is a convolution with $(z-m.), 
instead of multiplying the spectrum with ezp(-j9muz,).Substituting convolutions by matrix multi- 
plications immediately yields the discrete formulas. In this case the inverse of a matrix has to 
be replaced by its pseudo inverse. 
Stochastical variables, vectors or functions are underscored; Z is the true value of the. variable 
E(+) and V(-) denote the expectation and the Variance operators. For notational convenience 
giz) often is replaced by g. The signal to noise ratio (SNR) is defined by 9/0, sx" is the 
transposed vector of x. 
2. Filters for Object Location and Point Transfer 
2.1 Least squares filters 
Let the template be given as a continuous greylevel function g(x). According to fig. !a the 
signal g,(z) is observed which results from g(z) by 
shifting the template by Z,, i.e. by convolving it with ó(z "2,4 
2. possibly convolving the result with the point spread function A(z) and 
3. adding noise n(x) with autocovariance function R (2); thus 
,Q0) = R(z) = giz) = §(z—=x.) + niz) G3 
It is assumed that gí(z) and A(x) 
ave zero mean. 
Fig. 1 Object location: given g, possibly A^; observed £j unknown i. , noise n 
a.) matched filter for estimating Z 
n, BE 
— - E71 = n 
T — 0 (5-Z.) A at £1 m, 
= à =: = 
A; = À + iz) *g +n 
sh +9 + zZ + 
= ~ : j= ER 
$30—[ ah A Tg S Ma 2.4 
+ oe T E 2,035 
n, 8 
— Um 
b.) filters for restoring 8(z-%_) 
In general z and Z, are unknown. The task is to find a filter m(z) such that the maximum of c(z) = 
m(z) = g, (=), the search function as we will call it, yields an estimate 2. for Z.. We will com- 
pare the result of four different optimization criteria: 
1. R, known, maximize the signal to noise ratio of the filtered signal and the filtered noise 
at E. SNR? =  V(gwm) / V(nwm). 
2. 2, known, maximize the ratio of the expected maximum and the average standard deviation of 
e(z) at all other points: æ = = E(g,=m) /VV( gU. 
3. The expectation of the search function should be a óé-function with peak value at Z 
Elclz)) $ 6(z-X 
4. The maximum of E /2) should be at Z, and the autocovriance function of the search function 
1 1 ^ = m; , t ! 
should be a S-function: E/a/ 
' ; 3 ELLAS Ci Xm 7. 53 
Oí(r)xcí-ri)rz B fam} & Sf) 
Ler {oa J T ws J tg nM - V m/s. 
— —- e 
he filter m(z), the expectation of the searen function and its autocovariance function are given 
n le 1 for the case where no filter h(z) is applied. 

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