(3.3.5) — Xg=(x!/2")=[ X/Z + XY/Z2 = w(1+X2/z2) + xY/Z 1;
Ygs(yV z0sE Y/Z * 9 (1*Y2/Z22) - wXY/Z2 - xX/Z J.
3.4 Displacement vector extraction
The left part of (3.3.5) represents the components of the
displacement vector, and must be determined as a result of the
To compute the displacement we use the phase correlation
technique, described by Kuglin and Hines (Kuglin and Hines,1975).
The phase correlation method uses the fact that the information
pertaining to the displacement of two images resides in the phase
of the cross power spectrum. The phase correlation function is
obtained by first computing the discrete two-dimensional Fourier
transforms, and extracting the phase of the cross-power spectrum
of two images, Gy and Go:
! Gio," |
and then computing the inverse Fourier transform of the phase
d = Pl 1 olf}.
The last equation yields a sharp peak located at
corresponding to the displacement vector.
This method is relatively scene-independent, exibits an extremely
narrow correlation peak, and is insensitive to narrow bandwidth
noise. However, in the digital implementation used, only integer
pixel displacement are used, so that displacement to only the
nearest pixel is available.
4, Simulation
4,1 Lookpoint model and image extraction
he position
For the purpose of this simulation, the displacement vector
components are determined from the comparison of the time-
sequential subimages, extracted from a LANDSAT Thematic Mapper
The square detector array not parallel to the ground will
generally image a trapezoidal area. To extract the portion of the
TM scene as "seen" by our níne arrays, we first compute the
location of the corners and the centers of the nine array