Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A3)

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eur Egan Aa aas Iur uo? 
Finally, we introduce the matrix ci, see: the rel. (1f) and (li). 
Equation (2) contain four independent planimetric elements of orien- 
X» Y» ^ P and MM They are linear if the transformed model 
12 1 À 
coordinates uj j> Vij» Wij are known. This is the Anblock 
approach [2]. To determine these coordinates, we consider equations 
Scale - tilt and height - procedure 
Considering the scale factor A, in equation (2) as an independent 
parameter, equation (3) contains only three independent elements of 
Z and al To level the models the scale factors must 
it 31 
therefore, be determined first. 
Let 11441 be the distance between points j and j+1 in the 
model i) and 1lj4+1 the distance between these points in the 
object. It is evident that between these distances and the scale 
factor A, the relation exists 
Ai liz3+1L > 1341 (4) 
in which 
= - 2 - 2 - 2 
144H un S t Ou yip t Cun ^y 
Next, we consider points j and jtl in the overlap of the models (i) 
and (itl). For the points in model (i+l), an equation of type (4) 
is written. 

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