1 from this equation and equation (4)
Aiii el = Airr-li+iqyri CS)
Equations (4) and (5) are linear. This means that no approximate .
values for the scale factors are required. Equation (5) is evaluated
for a pair of common points in each overlap and equation (4) for two
points (in one and the same model) of which the distance
13341 is determined by a geodetic measuring method. Any more
distance 14441 gives a redundancy.
If the scale factors are known, they are substituted in the equation
of type (3) and next for each measured point an equation of type (3)
is evaluated (height control points included). To improve modelling,
equations containing only tilt elements can be added to a system of
equation (3).
We therefore consider again two points j and #1 in the model (i).
For point jl, an equation of type (3) is written. Eliminating Zi
and then A, from this equation, (3) and (4) give
ai = Í { = - + i x —7
sim Yun 03 Sage Tag Uie
The angle &jj+] is simply called "slope". It is the angle
enclosed by the straight line connecting the measured points j and
jtl in one and the same model and a plane parallel to the XY- plane.
The angle Gjj+] must be determined by geodetic measuring.
This is not necessary, however, if arbitrary pairs of points, for
example of the shoreline of a lake (lake points), are measured,
because in that case: aj5+1 = 0.
y 2:
Equations (3) and (6) are Ron linear. If wl
however, fhe tiit elements ay; and a3, are al
element 834 is approximately equal to the uni
in equations (3) and (53:
nd $i are small,
so small and the
ty. We therefore put
i i+ 1
Q4 7a = 2 2 9 Zi.
33 35
If the system of equations (3) and (6) is solved, transformed model
coordinates u44, Vii, Wis (Lf) and (lg) are determined
JJ +
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