Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A3)

6 Integration of new type of projection 
The structure of the SORA-MP software is designed in such a way that new 
direct and indirect types of projection can be integrated at any time 
with little effort. A sub-program must be provided for each new type of 
projection, which computes the projection functions and matches a 
defined interface. The effort involved in any consequential changes to 
adapt command and menu techniques to new projection types is negli- 
/ Practical examples 
The reader is referred to the specialist literature for detailed infor- 
mation on examples of indirect transformation and the interpolation 
method, e.g.: 
Transformation of the 1:500 000 Swiss ICAO air traffic chart from a 
conformal conical projection (Lambert type 1) with equidistant 
latitude (X, - 46'57'08".05 E) into a 1:1 000 000 flat chart in a 
rectangular Cassini projection with the additional condition 
AB/A I= 1.5 (Bormann and Vozikis, 1982) 
Transformation of the physical map of Europe from an equivalent 
azimuth projection at a scale of 1:15 000 000 fig. 20'E, 
9, = 50'N) into an orthogonal cylindrical projection (9, = 50°N) at 
a scale of 1:30 000 000 (Bormann and Vozikis, 1982) 
Production of the Austrian satellite from LANDSAT 1 and 2 images 
as a conformal conical projection (Lambert type 2) with two 
equidistant parallels 46°N and 49°N at a scale of 1:1 000 000 
(Jansa and Zierhut, 1981) 
Two examples of direct transformation are presented and briefly 
described below. 
7.1 Intentional distortion of a map 
This concerned a topographic map of the environs of Darmstadt (W Germany) 
at a scale of 1:25 000 which was to be distorted in such a way that the 
scale decreases continuously as the distance from a central point 
increases. Transformation was based on the following transformation 
formulae (Lichtner, 1982): 
m -m TC. 55 
using C 5 (m, - m }/s.' 
m: scale number for any point Ps 
m, : scale number for central point Z' 
m: scale number at a control point P,' 
Si: distance Z P; before transformatión 
$ 5! distance Z'8' after transformation 
$!:: distance Z'P;' after transformation 

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