Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A3)

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se elements, In multidimensional, nonhomogsneous, and as in the 
cese gf terrotrianoculation, the irregulsr systems identification 
gf.the cutlving'observeations.is not. an easy task. However, the 
existence of outlyino elements is inciceted Dy mean error of a 
pical observation G computed after the adjustment in relation 
its value Gg determined a/priori before the measurement, 6 26e, 
but a large value of the correction does not necessarily indica- 
tes that the corresponding observation has actually a large real 
error. Identification of the outlying observations using the le- 
ast - squares method for an initial adjustment may be impossible 
or difficult forthe realization, 
The another approach to the problem rely on the change or some 
modification of the general adjustment criterion, The characteri- 
stic feature of the least - squares method is that it fits the es 
timator. 'uniformly" to all observations, Therefore, this also 
concerns the outlying observations which are not a’priori overt. 
Some class of adjustment algorithms is known as the "Robust Esti=- 
0 |< 
mation" (Andreus 1974, Huber 1964, Krarup, Kubik and Juhl 1980, 
Kubik 1982, Rey 1978, a.a.). The method is based on the applica- 
tion of an iterative process modifying the least - squares prin- 
ciple in- such-a yay that if in a given k-th cycle the correction 
V exceeds the assumed value (the assumed limit of outlying) then 
in k*-1 cycle the respective observation will get some artificia 
lly lowered ueight. In this vay, none of the observations is com- 
pletely excludet and the estimator, in effect, gets the desired 
propertiss i.e. is a little sensible to possible deviations. 
The authors have applied for the terrotriangulation netuork so 
called "Principle of choise of an alternative" (Kadaj 1978,1980) 
The method does not require a definition of the limit of outlying 
observations and is based on a criterion defined (contrary to the 
maximum likelyhood method) as follous: 
2 ip — max. (1) 
where: J? - denisity distribution of standardized observational 
errors, v, - corrections, i = indicator of observations. 
This criterion leads to the estimators being a little tender for 
outlying. In practice, this means thet if all observations besi- 
des the outlying ones form a uell conditioned overdetermined sys- 
tem then the outlying observations included for adjustment uill 
not essentially deform the results. The name of the method comes 
From its probabilistic interpretation {Kedaj 1980), where, con- 
trary to the maximum likelyhood principle {for the independent 
ANZ) al 1 D 12.) — nex. (2) 
L l x + 
(Zi - some occurences uith 19 (2:3 € h … Flu. ia h 20 ), the 
maximum probebility for a sum of Sccurrences "Z, (sn alternative 
of those occurrences) with some approximation i$ required: 
PJ z)+8 =p Pz) — max. 
(65 0-an error gf the approximetion criteriom é - 0 if pccuren- 
ces Z, are mutually exclusive). 

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