Li ged, Checking up uhether the point x6? is situated in the
4 concavity region of the function @(X), i.e.:
(If this condition is fulfilled then the Cholesky's facto-
la : : : :
rization of. the matrix. 8. for real numbers exists).
Otherwise, one increases the mean error C, by. a certain step
7. Gir Got À
B nsn eB..Computation of the increment $9261) of the vector x(s)
3n), end the subsequent approximation this vector:
x (Se) 266. 083
n Seis set)
(13) 86. Return uith G,:= G, ~ A
| fj Computation or all geometricel parameters for the terrotrian-
gulation (Rychleuski 1982,1983)
g) Computation of mean errors for three groups of observations
n and for the geodetical coordinates, The variance - covariance
y the matrix for the unknoun vector in this method is presented in
Qn dr (Kadaj 1980). Em Em
jinningq iz
ring of The presented algorithm has been introduced to the existing prg
i *
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leuski 1982,1983. At present the testing of the program, using si-
mulated sets of data, is performed.
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