Full text: XVth ISPRS Congress (Part A3)

recognizing that the on-line capability to measure and immediately process 
data increases the speed and reliability of photogrammetric triangulation 
and mey significantly improve the organization of routinely performed work, 
recommends that studies of on-line photogrammetric triangulation be con- 
Mathemaricel Aspects of Digital Terrain Information 
The Congress, noting that Digital Terrain Models have been studied for a long 
time and a resolution for continuing those studies was made at the 13th. Con- 
recognizing the importance of the results of such studies to practice, 
recommends that further studies, including comparative tests, be performed 
in such relevant areas as resampling and accuracy aspects. 
lmage Processing and Pattern Recognition 
The Congress, noting that the widespread development and application of image 
processing and pattern recognition technology and the involvement of many 
scientific and engineering fields in this technology, 
realizing its great potential for present and future photogrammetry and 
remote sensing, 
recommends that mathematical and numerical aspects of the entire spectrum of 
image processing and pattern recognition as related to photogrammetry and 
remote sensing be studied, and that communication with organizations and 
societies with similar interests be pursued. 
Organization of Commission 111 
The Commission lll was assigned by the General Assembly of the Society at the 
Hamburg Congress to the Finnish Society of Photogrammetry for the period 
1380 - 1984. The president and the secretary of the Commission and the chair- 
men of the Working Groups which were established on the basis of the above 
resolutions have comprised the Board of the Commission. 
President: Dr. E. Kilpelä, Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniemi , FINLAND 
Secretary: Mrs. Aino Savolainen, as above 
Working Groups 
WG 1: Identification and Elimination of Gross and Systematic Errors 
Chairman: Dr. F. Ackermann 
University of Stuttgart 
Stuttgart, FRG 
WG 2: On-Line Photogrammetric Triangulation 
Chairman: Dr. V. Kratky 
National Research Council 
Ottawa, CANADA 
WG 3: Mathematical Aspects of Digital Terrain Information 
* 1 
Chairman: Dr. K. Torlegárd 
Royal Institute of Technology 
Stockholm, SWEDEN 

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