Digital- Enhancement of Interferometric SONAR Imagery
for Fringe Pattern Recognition
Dieter Kolouch and Manfred Ehlers
Institute for Photogrammetry and Engineering Surveys
University of Hannover
Federal Republic of Germany
Commission III
Area covering sea floor mapping is operational only by active SONAR scanner,
whose images, however, unfortunately cannot be processed stereoscopic for
depth determination. This can be done by artificial produced interfero-
metric SONAR images with fringe pattern. The image coordinates are used
as input in a geometric model for depth computation. Interferometric SOBAR
images are unfortunately very noisy due to necessary high amplification
of the signals. This prevents automatic determination of the fringe image
coordinates and requires image preprocessing. Common filter techniques
like 'moving average', 'median filtering! etc. are not sufficient. The
authors use therefore Fourier transform techniques to involve filter
functions in the frequency domain, where specific phenomena like direc-
tion components can be considered.
1. Introduction
Side-scan-sonar systems work on high frequency sound propagation for area
covering imaging of the sea-bottom. A fan-shaped acoustic field - trans-
mitted from a towed sensor - reaches a small strip of the sea-bottom.
The back-scattered echoes are received by the same sensor and used for
the recording of an image line. By repetition of this process an image
is built up line by line (EG & G, 1974). Due to relative geometric
distortion - caused by the towing dynamics - common stereoscopic evaluation
techniques cannot be applied to overlapping sonar image strips (Clerici,
1977). More successful for depth determination is the application of inter-
ferometric methods based on the Lloyd-Mirror-effect (Heaton and Haslett,
1971). This mixing of coherent signals (interference effects fringe pattern
in the image, which are extremely sensitive for depth changes. At the
Institute for Photogrammetry of Hannover University a special hardware
system for artificial generation of interferometric sonar imagery {153%)
has been developed as well as an accordant digital data processing system
(Kolouch, 1983 b). Automated depth determination as basis for DTM and
following map production can be performed on the base of computer con-
trolled detection of interference maxima coordinates (Kolouch, 1983 a).
Due to the system gain generated high noise level of the images picture
pre-processing is presumed.
2. Geometry of Interferometric Sonar
The artificial generation of Lloyd-Mirror is done by means of two trans-
ducers working on the same side of the towed system. The geometric con-
diticns are shown in fig. 1.