where ua is. the measured azimuth of. tne Jine. The form” of
equation 63) would have to be altered if the field. data were
bearings. s: [his could | easily. De done after the "second term in
the night Side of (239. ds computed by simple data
manipulafion/testing. to insure that the"" proper" angie" and
quadrant are compiled. Therefore,
G(X0) 7 87 a (for 0°< a < 90°) (4)
6(x,) = 8 - (180 - a) (for 90°< a « 180°) (5)
G(X,) = 8 - (a - 180°) (for 1809« a « 270?) (6)
G(Xa) = 6 - (3609 + à) (for 270°< a < 360°) (73
In equations (4) - (7), 8. is the measured bearing of the line.
For an angle measured from a third point i between points j and
k, the conventional form of the mathematical model is
: Ae = Ay X4 7 Xy
G(Xa) 7 80- Stan} 5j tanti A. 1-9 (8)
Ye Xi Yj - 14
where 8 is the measured field angle.
in the" U.$., a large portion of ^ land was surveyed under the
Rectangular Survey System by the Government Land Office (now
Bureau of Land Management). Figure 1 shows the subdivision of
the land into townships consisting of six square miles numbered
from a designated meridian and base line. Figure 2 depicts the
subivision of these townships into one mile square sections
while figure 3 shows the breakdown of the section into aliquot
parts. Circles indicate . government corners set in the field.
One can. see that this configuration will cause problems with
equations (3) to (8). Therefore, ijt is recommended . that, the
tangent function be replaced Dy the sine function for values. up
to 45-dagress and the cosine function for angles from 45- to
30-degrees. Thus, azimuths in a North/South direction would be
represented by
he Le 5 2
G(Xa) far sm D (9)
while azimuths in an East/West direction can be shown as
f Y 2 Y.
s = K
G(X,) =.a -- cos”! p = 0 (10)
where D is the distance between points .j and Kk, Similarly,
equation (8) can take the following form for section corners