Full text: Handbuch der Physik (3. Abtheilung, 1. Theil, 2 Band, 2. Abtheilung)

Ferraris, Ila 56 65 203 267, 
IIIb 509 516 525. 
Ferrel, I 564 568, IIb 253. 
Ferrers, 1.433: 
Ferrini, IlTa 221.229. 
Feussner, Ila 304 318 552 
562 565 567 573 576 577 
630 631, Illa 255. 361, 
IIb 480; u. Lindeck, 
IITa 280. 
Fick, I 604 605 606 619 622, 
IIa 203 210 455. 
Fiebig, IIa 487. 
Fievez, IIa 423 443. 
Finger, | 173 187 330 341. 
Finkener, IIb 263. 
Finsterwalder, I 281, IIa 32 
Fischer, À, IIb 4909 721, 
Illa 482 486 491. 
Fischer, N. W., I 618 610. 
Fitzgerald, IIb 264 720 736 
870: 872, 11h’: 239-204; 
(u. Crouton) IITa 181. 
Fizeau, Ila 5 12 13 309 336 
537 587 bis 590 639 712 
831 842, IIb 52 58 91 75 
76 167 263; (u. Foucault) 
IIa 414 417 639 718, IIb 
167 219; (u.Breguet) IIag. 
Flaugergues, IIb 108. 
Flamsteed, I 794. 
Fleischl, v., Ila 802 805, 
IIIa 65, IIIb 296. 
Flemming, IIIa 147, IIIb 410. 
Flemming-Jenkin, IITa 260. 
Flight, Illa 403. 
Fock, IIa 773 784. 
Fomm, IIb 218. 
Fontana, Illa 101. 
Foot, IIb 260. 
Foppl, IIIa 330, IIIb 160, 
Forbes, IIa 391, IIb 154 169 
170 187 196 258 278 292, 
IIIa 28r. 
Forel, T 300. 
Forster, IIa 489. 
Forthomme, IIa 302. 
Fossati, IIIb 273. 
Foster-Carey, IIIb 386. 
Foster u. Lodge, IlIa 198. 
Foucault, I 178 185, Ila y 
9 279 391 620 625 630, 
IIIa 354, IIIb 358 410. 
Fourier, 1.24 50, dIa 453, 
Iib 266 271 273. 
Foussereau, IIIa 284 318 322. 
Fouvielle, IIb 263 264. 
Franck, Illa 51. 
Franke, 1, 187, T1Ih 526, 
Frankel, IIIa 476 485 488 491. 
Frankenbach, IIIb 22. 
Frankenheim, I 315 316 49% 
498 604, IIb 9o 95 608. 
Frankland, IIa 423, IIb 260 
Franz, 1.181.315, 
IIb 188 199 225. 
IIa 414, 
Namenregister für das ganze Werk. 
225 253 276 306 390 443 
IIa 523 525 533 | 
737 752 753 779 797 815 | 
Freund, IIIa 497. 
Freyberg, lla: 362 365, 
IIIb 97. 
Freyssu. Schlagdenhaufen, 
IIa 714. 
Friess, IIa 714. 
Fritsch, IT 210. 
Freycinet, 1:5. 
Frohlich, J, IIIa 240 241. 
Frohlich, O., IIb 260.201, 
IIIb 390 500 501 505 550. 
Fröhlich, 5, [la Bar 842. 
Frólich, Illa 135 192 224 
242 359, IIIb 184. 
Fromme, I 319, IIIa 140 166 
169 522 525 527 531 
IIIb 169 177 178 180 254 
Fuchs, I 502 518, 
IIIa 262 266 519. 
Fudiszawa, IIb 273. 
Fuess, I 540 542 543. 
Fuhrmann, I 66. 
Fuss, IIa 383. 
IIa 463, 
Gad, I 474. 
Gahn, III 480. 
Gaiffe, IIb 263, IlIa 148 214. 
Galilei, I 34 36 66 94 109 
113 114 118 160 531, lla 
274 299, IIb 4. 
Galitzine, IIb 248 659 670 
676 713.714 720. 
Ganz et Co., IIIb 516. 
Gambey, IIIb 85. 
Garbe, IIb 254. 
Gariel IIa 56 290. 
Garret, IIb 423. 
Gartenmeister, IIb 95. 
Gartenschláger, IIa 95. 
Gascoigne, IIa 285. 
Gasparin, IIb 260. 
Gassiot, Illa 328 337 353. 
Gassit, IIIa 135. 
Gaugain, Illa 97 113 180 
183 212 322 395 402 522, 
IIIb 180. 
Gauguin, IIIb 532. 
Gaukler, I 408. 
Gauss, 1.24 25 38 32 178 
497, Ila 38 55 75 112 
150 191 202 301 383, 
1Ila 3 210 223 22%, Ib 
IO I5 I8 31 38 45 63 85 
128 558; (u. Weber W.), 
IIIb 108. 
Fraunhofer, IIa 141 144 210| Gec und Holden, IlIa 487. 
Geffroy, IIIa 196 198. 
Gehler, T 452, IIb 331. 
Geissler, I 555. 
553 556 557 558 560|Geitler, s. Elster. 
601 609 621 631 635 | Gerardin, IIIa 477. 
644 645 650 653 714 718 | Gerber, IIb 659 73r. 
Gergone, IIa 375. 
Gerhardt, I 867. 
Gerlach, I 434 570. 
Gerland, 11274, 1Ib.4, Ilia 
Gernez, Ila 783, IIb 697. 
Gerosa, IIb 334. 
Gerstner, I 395. 
Gibbs, Na I1 443, Iib 418 
421 445 500 501 506 733. 
Gibson u. Berclay IIIa 74. 
Giese,IlIa97 256 347 379 381. 
Gieswald, IIb 3. 
Gilb, IIa 593. 
Gilbert, I 188, IIa 390 609 
714 783, IIIb 3 5. 
Gill, IIIa 436. 
Giltay, I 549, IIIa 242. 
Gimingham, I 558. 
Girard, I 497 504. 
Girault, I 595. 
Girond, IIa 465. 
Gisevius, I 137. 
Gladstone u. Tribe, IIIa 536; 
(u. Hilbert), IIa 489. 
Glaisher, IIa 382. 
Glan, I 19, IIa 589 630 641 
754. 805 828. 
Glazebrook, IIa 407 610 630 
652 658 660 708 728 749 
767 841, IIIb 484 576. 
Gleichen, IIa 95 158. 
Góbel u. Kulenkamp, ! 555. 
Gockel, IlIa 432 433. 
Godard, IIa 452, IIb 147. 
Gódecker, IIb 272. 
Goetz u. Kurz, I 247, IlIa 65. 
Goldhammer, IIa 682 683, 
IIb 493, IlIa 275, IIIb 215 
295 333. 
Goldingham, I 795. 
Goldschmidt, IIa 113. 
Goldstein, IITa 330 332 333 
336 341 384 386. 
Goppelsróder, I 502. 
Gordon, IlIa 74 89, 104, III b 
Ior 285 289. 
Gore, I 499 670, Illa 397% 
476 482, IIIb 267 31a. 
Goring, Ila 262. 
Gossens, IIb 616. 
Gostynski, Illa 232. 
Goupilliére, Haton de la, 
I115 121 565 566. 
Goureé de Villemontée, 
IIIa 126. 
Govi, I 172 5833, IIb 263, 
IIIa ror. 
Gavaret, IIa 56. 
Gay-Lussac, I 149 799, IIb 
| 9 107 541 644. 
Gouy, I633, IIa 14 395 610 
796 841 842, IIb 432 662, 
IIIa 65 148 533, IIIb 283. 

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