Full text: Handbuch der Physik (3. Abtheilung, 1. Theil, 3. Band, 1. Abtheilung)

Elektrische Endosmose. 
i lc. C trat | k108 | 7 : di 2% A 
|" oncentra ion | v | Amp. | im | 3 
= = | 28 | 1093 | 023656 64-24 | 928485 
i 276 | 10801 | | | 27974 
a |] 296 | Ve J oo. | | | 29407 
8| = | 282 | 10802 | 027419 | 7340 | 28923 
; | 27° | 1018 | | | 27121 
a | 294 | 1110 | | | 29855 
ZnSO, -Lósungen. 
Sli tester 0 uu D, Hi 
IC "e ll » 8 ie 
| Concentration | £10 AMP | un y 
d 7 T s» 1 27649 | 046500 | 4864 | 28921 
a | 10:608 298:37 | | 81212 
2| : | M548 367-27 | 0:60334 52:30 3183-6 
a | 15433 37741 | 32716 
3| i 19:551 419-90 | 0-64170 57-64 8TTLT 
a | 20310 | 42623 | 3828-5 
4| i | 19645 | 42058 | 062911 58-10 38842 
| «a | 20213 | 42602 | 3934:5 
5| : | 10789 30649 | 051540 52-22 3321-5 
| a | 10468 30134 | 3053:1 
6| 2 | 5485 181:35 | 035634 53:38 2116-6 
|. a: | 9814 190:54 | 2854-3 
7| 2 | 6881 181-85 | 087722 54-55 262256 — 
a | 6124 30070 | 2902-2 
ed | | 
8| i 1727 66:3 | 018970 52:94 1855:8 
a 1:993 16:8 | 2129-3 
9| i 13:607 356:92 | 0:51104 4683 | 29270 
ail 179. | 57478" | | 30731 
10| z 24447 | 44765 | 004968 | 5943 | 40953 
a 25770 | 43962 | | | 4021-8 
— | | | | 
H| i 19:104 |  426:09 064813 | 5396 | 835472 
| ^ 20-740 | 438-09 A | | 36470 
3 Cu(N O ,),-Lósungen. 
| |Concentration | ll £108 7 N | Es 
ml t ct el n im cu. AMP mm | > 
1] = X 6806. 61:98 0:12359 31:93 | 17564 
2] = |] . 1878 148:59 025517 || 2245 | 13073 
3| x 4:060 291-86 039698 1074 | 7896 
i 3:312 246:98 | 6682 
ld 4:361 311:89 | 843-8 
u 1-878 150-44 0:25330 1878 | 11128 
i 1:252 102-77 | 7619 
D y 2:194 166-57 | 12349 
5| « 0:806 69:96 0113855 | 2702 | 14154 
i 0:597 53:80 | | 1088: 
a 0:879 15:66 | | 153077 

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