Full text: Handwörterbuch der Astronomie (3. Abtheilung, 2. Theil, 2. Band)

352 Mechanik des Himmels. 27. 
1889 4 Dec. 70 Oct. 280 | Sept. 180 Aug. 9:0 | Juli . 0:0 Mai 21:0 I s 
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M .. . .. .| 9 25 314 | 8 51 24 1358 16 3351852 42 441347 7 353 [341 33 enl. 
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bon e. a 1e. 123060 117233 1:16249 120326 128594 1:39590 ; 
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— ... | ML — 8-58 — 4-66 — 627 — 8:56 L 
na... T [ — MA — 9:58 — 8:10 — 2:64 — 1:08 + 1:55 R, 
RB, JN VP M + 0°26 + 005 + 1-16 + 3:23 + 545 DP. 
bgr? . . . . .| 0992295 0:81925 0:81187 090244 0:96445 1:04693 E. 
Ho. LO. — 0-18 — 20 — 8:05 — 1-48 + 220 + 7-00 
(pA uma 00 | seers + 625226 | 4635937 | + 592696 | + 513844 | + 424960 
p. Lua. + 2:94 3-21 + 3:58 + 4°66 + 6:27 + 8:56 ! 
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5610-95... . .| 875284 819604 8-80344 8-77284 8:11081 8:62828 TNT 
lg(i-- 4510-94). | 0-00204 0:00225 0-00229 0:00214 0:00185 0:00147 m 
08s 5324] 0,8927 9,5051 9,5441 0.5079 0.85673 0.92942 li 
mU... ..l| 875080 819319 8-80115 811010 8:10896 8:62681 DH. 
—#Sy=—h , + 0:15 + 0-02 + 0:02 + 0:20 + 0-87 + 036 1 
wy... s .| 4-565397 | 4625254 | + 635973 | + 592742 | + 518907 | 4-425046 D ii. 
logw, 10-58 . . .| 875234 8:19606 880344 |. 871286 871088 8:62844 b 
log(1 + #;10-5w,) | 000204 0:00225 0:00229 0:00214 0:00185 0:00147 
Esse 2 0 .] 944021 8,0000 — 9:3010 0:07555 0:58659 ; 
Le . ...-.1 817503) 879381 8:80115 811012 8:10903 8:62697 y. 
Well, +». -—05 — 0:98 -4- 016 + 0-79 + 1-70 + 2:97 E 
— WS — WR | +00 + 0:01 0-00 — (01 — 0:06 — 0:16 
AG — 0:82 — 0:85 — 321 — 711 — 8:47 
We . . .……. | 03909 9,505 9,544 045065 0285552 0.92788 
L6 7. . .. 4:8010 4-301 4:801 43010 4:80108  |538:4:30103 
ogdAM:dt. . . 9:1018 8171 8:182 9:1525 9:45907 9:53143 
bgdAwidt . . . 9:6916 8:9483 8:2245 9:6148 0:09927 0-38162 

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