Full text: Handwörterbuch der Astronomie (3. Abtheilung, 2. Theil, 4. Band)

Tafel für log M = log 
75 kt 
144° 145° 
Diff Diff. 
7 log M T log M 1" 
o ole982105] |s-015128 
| d 3008 | 298] 6061| 9:33 
1 5011 9:08] 9953| 934 
5 0| 4815) 904) 7080| 225 
: ü a: socle | eas 
) 4 € y SOLE Lo! 
8 90 6627 | 996 [3.919809 | 99" 
9-06 9:37 
10 kg Gi dios Sams ds 
11 ¢ 9-08 vig| 992 
13 90 12-989350| 999| 2617| Y39 
15 0 [9:990259| 999| ^ 3557, 940 
16 40 1169| 719 4498 9 
18 20 2080| 9111 — 5439 | 9'41 
9-19 9-43 
90 0 |9-992999 3-026382 
91 40 3904 | i2] 7926| 94 
man. |. mel PHY 8270| 7% 
25 0 | 5732| 714 18.029215 9 
26 40 | 6647| 719 [3.080161 as 
98 90 7563| 919] — 1108 | 947 
9:17 9:48 
30 0 [2:998480 3032056 | 
31 40 [2999398 | 7181 3005| 749 
33 20 [3000316 N A 3955 930 
35 0 1296! “À 4906 | 79 
3040 | 2156 go] | denn] 991 
38 20 3077 | 9211 6810| 999 
9:22 9:53 
40 0 [3003999 3037763 | __ 
à 40] 4| 995]. ei 90 
43 20 5845 | 57 [8-089672 | * 77 
45 0 | 6770 1 3-040628 3 56 
46 40 76951 1) 1585) 19! 
48 20 8621| 926] 9543| 758 
9:27 9-59 
50 0 |3:009548 3-043502 
à 9:08 “1 9.59 
51 40 [3010476] 928] 4461 
53 20 1405 | 929] 5422| 761 
Dorn 929| 7777 | qol 
55. 0 2334 383 
i P ons TEL em. 9-63 
ro an 931 nno | 9:68 
58 90 4196 8309 
9-32 9-64 
60 0 [3:015128 3049273 
146° 147° Pronert 
Diff. Diff. roportional- 
log M l^ log M 7 theile 
3049273 | 4.0 [3084607] 
3050238 | 9.66 | 5606 (Org 950 | 960 | 970 
1204 9-67 6606 10-01 1 9:5 | 9-6 97 
2171 9-68 (607 10-02 2 1190192] 194 
3139 9-69 8609 10:04 3 | 28:5 | 28:8 | 29:1 
4108 3:089613 4 |38:0 | 38:4 | 38:8 
9:70 10-04 || 5 | 47:5 | 48:0 | 48:5 
$055078| ,.- 090617, f6 [5705761382 
6049 9 1622 [10:05 || 7 | 66:5 | 67:2 [679 
vl 97 oe [10:06] 8 | 76:0 | 76:8 | 77 
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t = 7 Q R.R . m, 
1993 s 3635 Mr 9 | 85'5 | 864 | 87:3 
n [3] * 
8966 | 74] 4648 05 
3:059940 | ' 5651 230 1950 13000 
9-76 —— 
; 1010! 1 | 9:8| 99|100 
3:060916 9:76 3:096661 10-11 2 |19-6 | 19-8 | 20-0 
JO nc ) : 
1892 9:77 (672 10:12 3 | 29-4 | 29:7 | 30:0 
2869 9-78 8684 10:13 4 | 39-2 | 39-6 | 40:0 
3847 9-79 3-099697 341 5 | 49-0 | 49-5 | 50-0 
4826| 9^9 15.100711 [1914]. 15. sn 
960 9-80 a ( 10:15 6 |58:8 59:4 | 60:0 
5806 1726 7 | 68-6 | 69-3 | 70:0 
9-81 10-16 | 8 | 78:4 | 19:2 | 800 
3:066787 | 4.29 [3102742 9 | 88:2 | 89-1 | 90:0 
nro l 352 olli 
1769 |: o2 9199 
8:2| 999] — 75; 1018 
rasé.” nos 1019 1010| 1020| 10380 
3069736 9:84 5796 0:30 : 
3070720 | oo] 6816 [79°°9[ 1 10:1 10:2 [103 
1706 | ^ 9| | 7837/1921 11 2 | 20-2 | 20:4 | 20:6 
3 | 30:8 | 30:6 | 30-9 
9:8 :99 
1022! 4 |404 | 408 | 412 
3:012693 | … |8-108859 5 | 50-5 | 510 | 515 
3680 soi 3-109882 [10°23 : Shah 
om 9-99]. IDs 10:94 6 | 60:6 | 61:2 | 61:8 
4669 9-89 3:110906 10-25 7 17071 714 | 721 
rere] 953 9 :25 
56951 gg, | 1931 i555 8 |808| 816824 
6649 9:91 2957 10:27 9 |90:9 | 91:8 | 92:7 
7640 3984 | ^^ 
9:93 10:28 
purior : S 1040| 1050! 1060 
3078633 9-93 3115012 55 SUN a 
3079626 | 0.0, | 6041 [7020] 1 1104105) 106 
3080620 | © | 7071 3012 |208|210 212 
1615 dd 8102 10311 3 | 3121315 | 318 
2612 | 79713119134 [1092 4 | 46 | 420] 424 
3609 | 73120168 {10°34 | 8 (520/535 550 
e || 6 | 62-4 | 63-0 | 63:6 
ji 1054) 7 | 72:8 | 73:5 742 
3084607 3121202 8 | 83-2 | 84-0 | 848 
3-6 | 94-5 | 954 

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