Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B1)

using MSR data corresponds with the region obtained by using rain 
c)sea ice 
Example of sea ice was observed through cloud in MSR data 
obtained in path 21, April.10, 1987. Since sea " brightness 
temperature of sea ice is very high, sea ice distribution can be 
obtained under all weather condition. MSR data is routinly used 
to forecast drift sea ice in northern ocean of Hokkaido. 
3.4 DCS 
The DCST transponds data from buoys to Earth Observation 
Center, where the position of the buoys are determined utilizing 
doppler frequency measurement. Bit error rate, position 
estimation error and DCS success rate are 7.3 x10 , 500m and 90 
^. Transmitting frequency of DCP was changed from 401.53MHz to 
401.47 MHz to prevent from outer radio interference. 
4, Conclusion 
As a result of initial evaluation of MOS-1 data, MOS-1 
observation system was found to show satisfactory condition. 
NASDA continue evaluation in collaboration with domestic and 
foreign investigators. 
The authors would like to thank investigators who 
participated in the MVP and related staff in NASDA. 
1.Announcement of Opportunity for MOS-1 Verification Program 
National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) 
2.K.Maeda et al.,"Airborne observation experiments for MOS-1 
Verification Program (MVP),"Proceeding of the fifteenth 
International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 
(ISTS),pp.1659-1670,Tokyo, 1986. 
3.K.Maeda et al.,"Geometric and radiometric performance 
evaluation methods for Marine Observation Satellite-1(MOS-1) 
Verification Program(MVP),"Acta Astronautica vol.15,No.6/7,pp. 
4.K.Maeda et al.,"Some results of MOS-1 airborne verification 
experiment-Multispectral Electronic Self-Scanning Radiometer (ME 
SSR)," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,vol. 
25,No.6,pp.788-795,Nov., 1987. 
5.K.Maeda,H.Wakabayashi and H.Sato,"Some results of MOS-1 
airborne verification experiment-MSR(Microwave Scanning 

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