Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B1)

5. Production and evaluation of JERS-1 simulation stereoscopic 
We produced some JERS-1 simulation Stereoscopic images using 
this system. As an input image we used an LFC photograph of 
the Izu peninsula in Japan taken from the space shuttle. 
Photo 1 is the photograph but only the left side is printed. 
Photo 2 is one output of our system which simulates the JERS-1 
nadir looking sensor image. Photo 3 is another output which 
simulates the JERS-1 forward looking sensor image. These two 
images produce a stereoscopic vision of 0.3 base-to-height 
ratio. We derived some significant results from the evaluation 
of these stereoscopic images. 
One of them is that the base-to-height ratio of JERS-1, 0.3, is 
a little small, but. we can get an acceptable vertical 
exaggeration to see the shape of the earth's surface. 
Another result is that the ground resolution, about 20. m, is 
more than adequate to extract the terrain features of the 
earth's surface. 
Enc cu no 
Photo 1 LFC photograph of the Izu peninsula in Japan 
taken from the space shuttle 

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