Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B1)

- in planimetry : 0,55 m 
= in-altimetry- +0,49 /m 
1) Comparison between GPS position and coordinates of the 
points of view. 
As for Lunel we have first determined the bias for the whole 
Tx zc 3,23 m 
Ty = <0,99 m 
Tz = + 0,58 m 
its components are about the same that the Lunel one, It's not 
a surprise because Vichy flight was done just one day after 
Lunel, at the same time and in the same atmospherical condi- 
Individual differences for each strip, relative to medium refe- 
rence of the block are as follows 
Strips A B G D E F 
x (in 0) |+ 10,30}- 0,47% 0,71 s 9,201- 9,39 
v. tan m) 10,27 - 9,071 1,03 “0.225. 0.48 
Z-(n-mjl--9,23|--9;93|--9,38 +-0-59}+-0-97 
Note : GPS data for D are not available 
- Standard deviations for the whole block, after elimination of 
bias for each strip, with the two available kinds of GPS data. 
Differential Pseudoranges and phases 
ST X 0,5k:m 0,89 m 
Ty 0,46 m 1/16 m 
312 0,35 im 1,34 m 
Results are inferior to those of Lunel although aerial triangu- 
lation is of a better quality. 
2) Introduction of GPS data in adjustment with all the control 
As for the previous test sites, GPS contribution appears negli- 
3) Idem, when keeping only four control points at the angles of 
the block.

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