- self documenting files.
- ease of interface by user with outputs from the Kern
- at the touch of a key, an explanation is given of the
input parameters which are expected or the commands
and options which are available.
- libraries of subroutines have been developed to aid
the development of software by both Kern and the
- libraries for customers are written in both PASCAL and
-.internal libraries are used by Kern to provide
building blocks for rapid software development.
3. Model Orientation
The DSR may be used to orient different types of imagery e.g.
perspective, SPOT, panoramic. After orientation, the various
other application software packages may be used for data
collection, e.g. DTM collection, MAPS 200 On-line Compilation.
3.1 DSR1B Operating System
The DSR1B Operating System is a series of programs which allow
the operator to perform the basic functions of the DSR
analytical plotter such as instrument calibration and setting
up of models :
- Plate Processor - controls stage movement
according to image geometry.
- Instrument Calibration - using a calibrated grid
- Camera Management - for editing or creating a
file of camera data e.g.
focal length, fiducial
coordinates etc.
- Coordinate Management - for editing or creating a
file of ground control
- Project Definition - defining project parameters
e.g project identification,
terrain and flying heights
for earth curvature and
refraction corrections.