Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B1)

We had hoped to use the output from a block adjustment to reset the MPS 
and simulate the situation where an interior orientation only is performed 
and the absolute orientation is read in from a diskette. However, no 
adjustment data was available for the particular stereopair used in this 
test so the orientations from the space resection/intersection were used 
Several factors have affected the accuracy: 
I. There was difficulty in indentifying the control points in certain 
positions. Points 31, 43 and 50 are probably biunders. 
2. The floating mark was too large when the MPS was used at maximum 
magnification. For this type of work a smaller mark should be used. 
3. There seemed to be some non linear shrinkage as indicated by the 
measurements on the fiducial marks. This would have a significant 
effect on the observations and only further measurements will settle 
the source of this trouble. 
The biggest problem was the difficulty in finding the exact points used 
for control. There had been changes such as road resurfacing in the town 
and some points were on the ground near buildings. 
TABLE 1: Times for This Exercise 
Mounting diaposatives 2 minutes 
Interior orientation 5 minutes 
Exterior orientation Not needed 
Observing data points 30 minutes 
The original large format diapositives were set up in a Kern PG-2 
stereoplotter fitted with a tri-axis locator and digital output. Setting 
up was carried out by a practising photogrammetrist, using datapoints 
which had been checked by the previous tests. There was some difficulty 
in setting up the photographs due to the large overlap and for this reason 
a relative orientation oniy was performed and the model co-ordinates as 
measured were then transformed to make a best fit with ten selected 
control points. 
TABLE 2: Times for This Exercise 
Mounting diaposatives 10 minutes 
Interior orientation 80 minutes 
Exterior orientation Not performed 
Observing data points 30 minutes 

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