Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B1)

lap, hence can be squared individually and summed to yield 
|A‘P (it m|? .The exposure for the mask JHE Mean thus be written 
E.6b n om 0€ En lmnpe m 
where N is the highest order used in this system. The exposure 
of the n-th islands is 
sp AU * Aj 
Ei np mE 4 IC. [2^ | HCE = np,’ ny]? (19) 
The amplitude transmittance of the n-th island of the mask, for 
the case of the ideal recording medium with a Gamma of 1 can be 
k.Af 1 
AAT. Cn +s H(&$- npo n C1íi) 
where Kn is à constant which is related to the photographic 
techniques. Now we have got the attenuating mask |H'^]^, 
Ta = 
C. The holographic inverse filter 
As mentioned in section B, to make the filter, it is neces- 
sary to replace the attenuating mask |H'"|4!. into its recording 
position,. and it is, illuminated. bv the fields :A ‘?'££ + V. çand ,, the 
reference beam-ReXp {-Jant. =x: 3 , Be is the. spatial frequency. of 
the reference beam. The mask  attenuates the A'" and reference 
beam equally,the ratios between the two beams remain unchanged. 
Now we record the hologram in the back of the mask,the exposure 
to which the holographic plate in the plane(x;,y;) is subjected 
E, CE. m = [HH (5 mReexpl - 2xtox 0 ct, m] (12) 
E; can be arranged and seperated into two terms 
B, zE- E = SE. + SE.) 
En 1 + 1470 R/ M32. IC, [2+ {HE - AB. 1 |? (13a) 
n = — si(2mTb.nue + Ya 8, 3 
[CH | f H ) (13b) 
where Ë is ‘the d-c part of, Eq. (12). E dsdts d-c part, m and 
6, are defined as the phases of H(&-np,,n)> and C, respectively. 
R/Ao is the ratio of the reference beam to object beam. Eg.(13b) 
is the term of interest for the inverse filter. If the hologram 
with a perfectly linear recording medium (amplitude  transmit- 
tance proportional to exposure), the ideal amplitude  transmit- 
tance corresponding to this term is 
T¢ AMORIS {-j2mt 
Sian Aij) DIS (14) 
D. The deblurring processing 
During the image processing step, the blurred image and the 
grating are placed in contact, which yields an amplitude 
I N 
BCE Mn »—— Y C,:F(5- np, m* Hc& - np, m 
j^f n=—N (15) 

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