Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B1)

Boswinkel, D.; Witmer, R.; v.d. Vegt, J.W. (1988) : Utili- 
sation of GPS in large scale photogrammetry; presented paper 
ISPRS Congress Kyoto Commission I 
Fórstner, W. (1984) : Determination of the additive noise 
variance of observed autoregressive processes using variance 
component estimation technique; Schriftenreihe Heft 10; 
Institut für Photogrammetrie Universitát Stuttgart 
Friep, P. (1986) : The effects of camera position and 
attitude data in aerial triangulation - A simulation study; 
pres. pap. ISPRS Commission I Symposium: Progress in imaging 
sensors; esa SP-252 pp 101-111 
FrieB, P. (1988) : Empirical accuracy of positions computed 
from airborne GPS data; pres. pap. ISPRS 16th Congress Kyoto 
Commission I 
Haykin, S. ed. (1979) : Topics in applied physics vol 34 : 
Nonlinear methods of spectral analysis; Springer-Verlag 1979 
Kay, S.M.; Marple, S.L (1981) : Spectrum analysis - A modern 
perspective; proceedings of the IEEE, vol.69, no.11, Nov.1981 
Krarup, T.; Juhl, J.; Kubik, K. (1980) : Gótterdámmerung over 
least squares adjustment; pres. paper ISP Congress Hamburg 
Comm III, Int. Arch. of Photogr. vol. 23 B3, pp 369-378 
Lindenberger J. (1987) : Consideration of observation errors 
when modelling digital terrain profiles; Proceedings of the 
ISPRS WG III/3 International Colloquium: Progress in terrain 
modelling ; TU Denmark Lyngby 

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