Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Land Surveying and Cartography Significant changes in 
both Photogrammetry and 
Courses Remote Sensing were 
envisaged by Departments 
% Photogrammetry| $ Remote Sensing with Surveying and 
Cartography courses. All 
76 24 foresaw & decreasing 
97 23 interest in, and emphasis 
80 20 upon, the analogue aspects 
67 33 of Photogrammetry. | 
75 25 Analytical Photogrammetry 
however, would continue 
to be important especially 
Other Courses the areas of computer- 
assisted mapping, the 
collection and processing 
$ Photogrammetry| ? Remote Sensing of digital images, and 
non-metric, non-standard 
photogrammetric applications. 
! 190 Remote Sensing was seen as 
0 100 an expanding area with 
0 100 interest being centred on 
30 70 advanced image processing 
33 67 especially the processing 
of high resolution satellite 
data and its consequent 
: : utilisation in mapping 
Table 2:. Content (in terms of hours (5nd Geographie Information 
devoted to Photogrammetry and Remote Systems (GIS). 
Sensing (expressed as a percentage)) 
Areas other than Surveying and Cartography appreciated the need 
to retain some Photogrammetry. However, photogrammetry in its 
traditional sense was being de-emphasised and in some cases 
discontinued. All respondents believed Remote Sensing teaching 
would expand significantly. Digital image processing, mapping 
applications and interfacing with GIS were suggested as the 
areas of future growth. 
For students undertaking courses in Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing the main areas of support subjects were seen to be: 
- mathematics (topics should include statistics, numerical 
analysis and matrix manipulation) 
- computing (topics should include digital image processing, 
data structure and data base concepts, pattern 
recognition and computer graphics 
- applied physics (topics should include optics, electromagnetic 
radiation and its transfer especially through the 
atmosphere, introductory electronics especially sensor 
With regard to Graduate Studies, a number of Institutions provide 
a range of courses. 

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