Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Hothmer, J., 1983. Wissenschaftliche Kommunikation durch Zeitschriften und 
graue Literatur, Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, pp 234-242, Stutt- 
gart - FRG 
Hothmer, J., 1984. The information retrieval system ISPRS -IRS for literature 
and factual data. In: International Archive for Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, 25 -A6, pp 155 - 169, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil 
(The present paper is an update of this quoted paper) 
Nowak, J., 1982. GEOFIZ, the information for geosciences, mining and water 
management. In: Ibid, 2^- VI, pp 38 - 42, Mainz = FRG 
Peschel, H., 1985. Report of the permanent Commission VI  'International 
Bibliography Geodesy' . In: Proceedings of the General Assembly of the 
International Association of Geodesy, Hamburg - FRG 
Tehnzen, J., 1982. Access to literature having been retrieved. In : International 
Archive of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 24- VI, pp 57-62, Mainz-FRG 
Tehnzen, J., 1987. Von der Bibliothek zur Discothek ?  ABI-Technik, 7/2, 
pp 07-95 

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