Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Multilingual Dictionary 
Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry 
in short: ASP-Dictionary with 1700 Terms and Definitions 
in English including not very satisfying equivalents in 
French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian. 
In 1985 the ASP was so kind as to send to each of the exis- 
ting Language Groups one copy of its Dictionary. 
Besides the Chairman of WG VI-3 who reported on the status 
of the ISPRS -Dictionary only a representative of the 
French Language Group was present at the 1986 Badagry 
Present membership of WG VI-3 
During the past years the number of WG-Members has steadi- 
ly increased. Up to 1986, 16 Language Groups (LG) were 
created, as shows Annex 1. BesicGes some minor ones, all 
major languages are represented, which are spoken each by 
more than 50 million people. Excepted are Italian, Indone- 
sian and Korean. These countries are cordially invited to 
join the WG activities. 
Some different points of view as to history, customs, sta- 
tus of ISPRS, population represented etc. made it advisab- 
le to subdivide the LGs into five categories (CAT): 
I. One (two) Guide Language(s): English, (French) 
II. Three Official Languages: English, French, German 
III. Some Primary Languages: with their own Glossary 
IV. Some Secondary Languages: with translation from 
other Glossaries 
Vv. Remaining languages: inactive “Up to now. 
The CAT II Languages belong a priori to CAT III, while the 
others may decide freely on the category they want to join. 
Activities of Language Groups hitherto: 
Due to various circumstances and difficulties work is pro- 
gressing at varying rates. Via questionnaires, distributed 
in Dec. 83, June 85, May 86 and Sep. 87 respectively, the 
chairman tried to get a general survey of the status as 
Arabic: ArLG confirmed the beginning of work with five 
members in 1984, but meanwhile no further reaction has 
been received. At the Badagry Symposium in 1986, Jordan 
offered to take over the responsibility for this LG but 
an invitation letter remained without reply as yet. 
Chinese: CLG confirmed the beginning of work in 1982 with 
six members who completed 3000 Entries by Dec. 1983. Upon 
a request received in 1984, the German LG sent its Entry- 
List with 4500 Entries to China. The representative of 
Taiwan notified the Chairman in 1986 that he had been re- 
placed" by Mr. Fa-Niy nrao. 

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