Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

work has to be limited, in order to avoid boundless growth, 
to some of the main terms of the nongeodetic applications, 
e.g. geology, forestry etc. 
In order to split the work within a Language Group (LG) 
for the purpose of revision by specialists (Advisors), the 
(problematic) experiment had to be made of separating the 
whole field into some 30 Subfields, e.g. Photography, Car 
tography, Topography, etc. ( Annex 3 ) which can also 
be used as preliminary "Domain" in the Cross References. 
Separate language volumes 
For each language to be included in the Dictionary, now 
and in the future, one separate Glossary (part 1) will be 
produced. An unlimited extension to all languages needed 
or even dialects can be guaranteed. In addition to this, 
a special Reference Booklet (part 2) has to be created 
which will contain only the Reference Indices sorted se- 
quentially according to the relevant Language. 
The great value of each Language Volume does not consist 
solely in its suitabilityv.as a tool for translation, it 
also represents a standard linguistic source for the Lan- 
guage Region's own professional purposes. 
Entry-lines with indices 
For each Entry having been defined as Term or for its 
Synonyms at least one line will be stored and printed in 
alphabethical order, containing: 
= Entry 
- Gender (abbr.) 
- Distinction for Homonyms 
- Notes (e.g. 2nd gender, obsolete) 
- Source Code 
— Reference Index 
- Subfield Number 
For some purposes it may be useful to print Entry-Lists 
containing these lines only. 
Term-paragraphs with definitions 
Each Term-paragraph begins with "x" and ends with "." in 
the first column. It is headed by its Entry-line. In addi- 
tion it contains: 
- Further source codes 
Five Cross References (maximally): better: also:, see:, 
compare:, subfield: 
(Equivalents known preliminarily (finally cancelled)) 
(Reference Indices for all existing Equivalents of the 
Languages included (finally cancelled)) 
Reference Indices in steps of 10 
After all Entries stored at a certain time have been sor- 
ted in alphabetical order, each is assigned a sequential 
number, which is called Reference-Index with a O (zero) 

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