Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

- development of a programme for training and assistance to 
The training programmes at CRTO, begun in 1978, are designed to 
educate and train scientists, engineers and technicians to be able to deal 
with the problems of preservation, conservation and utilization of renewable 
and non-renewable resources using remote sensing techniques which permit 
rapid and efficient methods of data acquisition and analysis by researchers 
and resource managers. 
Field trips form a regular and important part of the training 
programmes, and are designed to emphasize the importance of ground truthing 
in remote sensing. Burkina Faso, with its varied terrain conditions, provi- 
des excellent facilities for the study of erosion, desertification, defores- 
tation, geology, drought, water resources, agriculture, etc. 
CRTO keeps close contact with its former trainees and organises, 
when necessary, appropriate refresher courses to update their knowledge. 
2.1 - Target Groups 
CRTO provides education and training in remote sensing applica- 
tions to take care of a wide range of requirements for different categories 
of personnel and at different levels. 
The target groups are 
- decision markers and planners ; 
- engineers or professionals who are reponsible for operationel 
tasks in remote sensing applications in their establishments : 
- technologists and higher technicians who carry out remote 
sensing tasks under supervision of the engineer 
- teachers and research workers. 
Thus, programmes have been separated into appropriate modes, 
namely : sensitization, regular, specialised and refresher courses, work- 
shops, seminars, projects and conferences. All courses are available in both 
English and French. 
2:2u=: Curricula and: Syllabi 
2.2.1 - Sensitization Course 
Objective : To present to decision makers achievement and 
potentialities of remote sensing techniques in 
national development, by lectures, demonstra- 
tions and discussions. 
Duration : Two weeks. 

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