Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

T.V. Pavate 
Chief Project Engineer 
Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering 
Indian Institute of Technology 
Bombay 400076 - India 
Commission Number VI 
Remote Sensing has assumed a new dimension with satellites 
picking up information from the ground and transmitting the same 
to ground receiving stations giving details on the regional basis 
regarding resources such as Water, Forestry, Minerals and 
Agriculture. The repetitive data which is being received both in 
the form of images and in the form of computer compatible tapes 
has opened a new horizon for computer aided digital analysis of 
dynamic changes on global basis. In addition to the conventional 
Visual interpretation, the satellite data demands digital 
techniques for analysis with the use of computer knowledge of 
advanced techniques of image processing, cartography, map making 
and data management, Technology transfer and operationalisation 
of new techniques in various user agencies have focussed the 
issues mainly concerned with manpower training and requirement 
and utilisation of immense data which is pouring every day in 
abundance for the study of natural resources and engineering, An 
attempt has been made in the present paper to bring out some of 
the aspects of manpower requirements in the emerging area of 
Satellite remote sensing for operationalisation in user agencies 
towards overall global welfare and happiness, A developing 
countr such as India needs trained manpower nearly seven to 
eight thousand scientists and engineers every year in this area 
for different user organisations. Available facilities, 
methodologies and new approaches have also been discussed in the 
Manpower training in emerging areas such as satellite remote 
sensing needs high level of. training and sophisticated 
infrastructure with computer and image processing facilities. 
Especially in developing countries, such facilities are available 
only at universities and higher technological institutes. The 
inbuilt mechanism of higher institutes of learning demands 
certain curricula requirements for the entrance to various 
educational programmes and the process has some hurdles which 
limits intake of students or inservice personnel for courses to a 
very small number, Normal period of post graduate course 
requires one and half years to two years for completion. 
Unfortunately only a few universities and institutes in India are 
imparting emerging area of satellite technology, remote sensing 
and applications at advanced level. 

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