Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Staff: 2 Professors (Dr.J.Badecas and Dr.D.K1.Rokos), 1 Lecturer (Dr.A.Geor- 
gopoulos), 12 Teaching and Research assistants, 1 technician 
Specialization : Photogrammetric Surveys and Applications 
Close Range Photogrammetry, Biostereometrics. 
Analytical Photogrammetry. 
Remote Sensing Applications in:Land Use and Natural Resources 
Inventories, Cadastral Land Information Systems and In- 
grated Surveys, Digital Image Processing. 
Photogrammetric Instruments : Stereoplanigraph C8, Technocart, B8, Stereo- 
cord and HP9845S Computer $EG V Rectifier, different plot- 
ters, Wild C120 and P31 Cameras, 3P.C. Systems etc. 
Remote Sensing Instruments: Interpretoscope, 40 mirror Stereoscopes, Sketch- 
masters, Zoom Stereoscope, 200 pocket Stereoscopes, 2 Di- 
gital Image Processing PC/A.T.Systems, Densitometer 10-K, 
2 Hasselblad Cameras etc. 
1.2. University of Thessaloniki 
1.2.1. School of Rural and Surveying Engineering 
Department of Cadastre Photogrammetry and Cartography 
Laboratory of Photogrammetry 
University Level, 5 years, M.Sc. (Dipl.R.and S.Eng.) Ph.D.(Dr.Eng.) Average 
120 students. 
Courses : Photogrammetry I 26 hours and 26 hours Lab. 
Photogrammetry II 26/26 
Photogrammetric Applications 26/26 
Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing 26/26 
Remote Sensing Applications 26/26 
Staff : 1 Lecturer (Em.Kapokakis) (Prof.Dr. D.Kl.Rokos joined the staff 
of the National Technical University of Athens), 6 Teaching and 
Research Assistants, 3 Auxiliary Personnel. 
Specialization : Architectural Photogrammetry 
Close Range Photogrammetry 
Digital Terrain Models 
Photogrammetric Applications 
Photogrammetric Instruments : Wild A7, A9, B9, E4 
Restitution Instruments, Wild RAP-2 System, 
Wild C 120, C40, P30, P32 Cameras 
Hassellad and Zeiss Jena MRB Aerial Camera 
Remote Sensing Instruments : RIPS Image Processing System, 
40 Mirror Stereoscopes 
100 Pocket Stereoscopes 
1.2.2. Agricultural Department, Forestry and Natural Environment 
Department and Geology Department of the University of Thessalo- 
niki, offer also one introductory course on Photointerpretation 
and Remote Sensing. 
26 hours and 13 hours Lab. (Ass.Prof. N.Syleos) 
39/26 (Ass.Prof.M.Karteris) and 
26/13 (Ass.Prof.T.Astaras) respectively 

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