Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

in a spirit of mutuality, integrated interdisciplinary approach and colle- 
ctive work. 
5. The creation of theoretical scientific/technical as well as of technolo- 
gical infrastructure for the continuing improvement of relevant education 
and practical training methods and techniques. 
6. The development of teaching and research programs for graduate students 
on Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing. 
7. The organization or coorganization of Seminars, Symposiums, Conferences, 
Lectures, continouing engineering education courses for Dipl.Engineers and 
other scientists. 
8. The rendering of services as it is provided in the article 7, par. 6 of 
the Law 1268/82 for the structure and function of the Universities. 
9. The cooperation with relevant public agencies and social organizations 
(municipalities, communities etc.) and the support of their Development pro- 
jects with the contribution of Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing. 
10. The familiarization and specialization of Dipl.Engineers and other scien- 
tists in P. and R.S. topics ‘and applications. 
11. The creation of a special library and a file of aerial photographs and 
Computer Compatible Tapes of the Land and the Greek State from spatial or 
other platforms and their use for research purposes. 
12. The development, independently, or in cooperation with other research, 
academic and scientific organizations of systems and methods : 
a) for Natural and Human Resources Inventories of the country, 
b) for Land Use Inventories and Mapping, 
c) for the contribution of Remote Sensing to the creation of Integrated 
Cadastral Land Information Systems 
d) for the elaboration of Integrated Surveys Programs 
13. The connection and cooperation with the National Remote Sensing Centers 
and the agencies of acquisition of Space Remote Sensing Imagery. 
5. The Organization for Mapping and Cadastre of Greece (0.M.C.G.) 
The Organization for Mapping and Cadastre of Greece was founded by the Law 
1647/86 after a long period of efforts for the legislation of Cadastre in 
our country (Rokos 1981). 
The main aims of the above Organization are: 
" The establishing keeping and update of a uniform and unique attesting Ca- 
dastre of Greece, geodetic coverage and mapping of the country, Natural Re- 
sources Inventories and Mapping and the creation of a Data Bank for Land 
and Environment ". 
The responsibilities of O.M.C.G. reflect with reliability, in institutio- 
nal level its field of activities and its contribution to the objectively 
integrated nature of the process of development, as the best possible use 
and exploitation of the natural and human resources and potentialities of 
a country, each time within the frame of its natural and socioeconomic re- 
ality and dynamics and the relevant choices of its ruling class. 
The first proposals for the necessary basic presuppositions and demands of 
the developmental process are published in our country at 13.4.1967 (Rokos 
1981) using, as a background the critical study of the - up to then- con- 
tributions of Caroussos, Lambadarios, Xenos, Sokos, Barbaressos and Gazis 
and as a tool the scientific methodology of integrated approach and analy- 
sis of the specific conditions and needs of our country. Those proposals 
formed a basis for discussion, criticism, but also for further systematic 
work of both the author and of many colleagues in the Universities in the 
Technical Chamber of Greece and in the Greek Association of Dipl.Rural 
and Surveying Engineers. 

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