Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

7. References 
D. Rokos :  "Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Education and Research in 
Greece and Cyprus". Presented paper, XIV ISP Congress, Hamburg 
1980, Commission VI, International Archives of Photogrammetry. 
Vol. XXIII,Part B6 
D. Rokos :  "Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Education and Research in 
the South Bastern Mediteranean Countries". Presented paper, 
XV ISPRS Congress, Rio de Janeiro 1984, Commission VI, Inter- 
national Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 
D. Rokos : "Integrated Cadastre for Development. Evolutions on institu- 
tional level in Greece and abroad". Presented paper, Symposium 
"Perspectives of the Greek Cadastre' National Technical Uni- 
versity of Athens, 1986. 
D. Rokos :. "Cadastre and Land Policy". Maurommatis Ltd., Athens, 1981. 
Em.Kapokakis: '"Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Education in Albania". 
Internal Report, Dept. of Cadastre, Photogrammetry and Car- 
tography University of Thessaloniki, 1987. 

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