Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

The tuition and work methods for the productive use of PHOCUS are most 
certainly the major components of the tuition concept (Fig. 3). They 
- Direct use of PHOCUS and its integrated learning aids. 
- The manual. 
- Training by specialists in training courses. 
The targets and contents of these methods, which differ from the conven- 
tional ones, are exemplified below. 
When he starts PHOCUS, the user is confronted with an operating system- 
like environment in which he can call and process individual tasks 
(Fig. 4). The project and system environment used last is re-established 
each time PHOCUS is started. 
CMD» (Command prompt of the PHOCUS operating system) 
- Parameter entry and function specification (i. a. HELP) 
- Normal termination (EX) or abortion (AB) of PHOCUS 
- Entry of temporary computer commands in the PHOCUS 
- Calling application functions (INOR, REOR, ABOR etc.) 
CMD» MEOD (Measure object data) 
MEOD» (Command prompt of the application function) 
- Parameters and functions (i. a. also HELP, TUTORIAL) 
- Work (measuring and editing in this instance) 
- Temporary PHOCUS and computer commands 
- Application program termination: 
Fig. 4: PHOCUS Input Concept 
Task handling is facilitated considerably by system-specific features and 
integrated learning aids. The intelligence and wealth of help information 
built into PHOCUS largely replace the continued use of manuals required by 
other systems. 
The flexible but uniform input concept enables the user to enter all or 
individual parameters for an application program either in the command 
mode or in the dialog mode. The readiness of the system to accept entries 
is indicated by a program-specific prompt (e.g. INOR», REOR», ABOR» for 
the PHOCUS program components for interior, relative and absolute photo 
pair orientation with the Planicomp; refer also to Fig. 4). 

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