Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Photogrammetry is not superior to ten. The MSc people maybe not 
reach fifty. In Remote Sensing the number is higher either PhD 
or MSc, the majority concentraded at INPE (Space Research 
Institute). The small number of graduated people in 
Photogrammetry (mainly of PhD) has probably been the major 
difficulty for its scientific and technological development in 
IPEA of UNESP at Pres. Prudente-SP has planned the CECart to 
fivecyears at minimum, as required by specific federal law. The 
roll of disciplines was split-into-five distinct i groups of 
formation, namely: basic (years l and 2), general (2 and 3), 
general professional (2 and 3), specific professional (3,14. and 
5) and complementar professional (4 and 5), as showed by table 
l. The Department of Mathematics is responsible for applied 
math; the Department of Planning acts in-disciplines of human, 
planning and administration areas; the Department of 
Environmental Sciences attends the topics related to 
environmental and the DCart is responsible for professional 
disciplines, for management of specific projects, training 
supervision and for execution of Final Project. 
3.1. Short history 
The first phaseoof DCart existence, from 1977 to 11979; was 
distinguished by assistance to basic formation along with 
other departments. As the first classes went progressing in the 
CECart, the DCart has begun the engagement of qualified 
professionals to the specific disciplines. This period 
corresponds to the second phase of the course from 1980 to 
1983. These professionals were required at the work market, due 
to their great professional experience, although without a 
formal graduation title like MSc or PhD. As itis‘ already 
mentioned, these titles are rare in Brazil. It is convenient to 
mention that the formal title itself supplies the regimental 
requirements of UNESP; however, it is desired something 
greater: that graduated people are able to implement research 
branches at DCart, in order to produce new knowledgement, to 
assemble teachers and students around research projects, and to 
attend the community among other things. 
3.2. Current situation 
From 1983 up to now it has established the third phase of this 
young department. In this period the investiment for human 
resources to form masters and doctors was enormous. At the 
present, DCart has 21 teachers being 3 PhD, 6 MSc and 12 
Auxiliars. At a first look, in ten years it seems to be a good 
result. Sometimes, unhappily, the brazilian universities lose 
teachers of tried experience at a proportion bigger than the 
other countries because of wage and cultural questions. This is 
a challenge that society and government have to solve. 

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