Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

Tabled: Topics and its groups at CECart; ‘grand total s:4710'h 
Basic formation: total = 1410 h 
Differential and Integral Calculus I 120 
Differential and Integral Calculus II 120 
General and Experimental Physics I 120 
General and Experimental Physics II 120 
Probabilities and Statistics 120 
Design and Descriptive Geometry 60 
Technique Design 90 
Vectors and Analytic Geometry 120 
Data Processing and Numeric Calculus 120 
Ordinary Differential Equations 60 
General and Experimental Chemistry 60 
Linear Algebra 60 
Materials Resistency 60 
Mechanics 60 
General and Experimental Eletricity 60 
Transportation Phenomena 60 
General formation: total>=. 360 h 
Laws 60 
Economics 60 
Administration 60 
Soil and Vegetation 60 
Fundaments of Fitogeography 60 
Fundaments of Climatology 60 
Professional general formation: total = .690-h 
Topography 150 
Geology 90 
Geophysics 60 
Geomorfology 60 
Hidrology 60 
Transportation 120 
Basic Sanitation 60 
Cartographic Materials 90 
Specific professional formation total = 1170 h 
Geodesy 150 
General Astronomy 150 
Photogrammetry I - Basic 180 
Photogrammetry II - Analog 120 
Photogrammetry III - Analytic 60 
Image Interpretation 150 
Remote Sensing 120 
Cartographic Representation 120 
Special Topography 120 
Complementary professional formation: total = 960 h 
Adjustment of Observations 120 
Integrated Planning 60 
Final Project 210 
Supervisory Training 570 
Specific Laws total. -.:120.h 

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