Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

3.3. P&RS presence 
Specifically, the area of P&RS at Dcart has 10 teachers bein 3 
PhD, 4 MSc and 3 Auxiliars. The disciplines of the CeCart 
curriculum in P&RS under these teachers responsabilities are: 
Photogrammetry I - Basic semester 5 and 6 180 h 
Photogrammetry II - Analog " 7.[5448 120 
Photogrammetry III.-- Analytic " 9 60 
Image Interpretation " 5. and. 6 150 
Remote Sensing p 7.542448 120 
Aerophotogrammetry (Geography Course) 
Trailing years, 3,.4.and 5 570 
Final Project semester 10 210 
The trainings are rather realized by the students at private 
companies or state cartographic agencies. In the Final Project 
other disciplines participate too: Geodesy, Topography, 
Adjustment of Observations, Cartography and Astronomy. 
The time burden of disciplines, training and final project 
referent to. P&RS. adds 750 hours, that is equivalent to 
approximately 162 of the grand total of 4710 hours in five 
years. Considering the professional part of the course (the 
last three years) the percentage is approximately 27$ of 2820 
Nowadays, IPEA disposes the following equipment to attend P&RS: 
- Meteorological station 
- Wefax station 
- Stereometric cameras SMK 40 and SMK 120 
- Phototheodolite Photheo 19/1318 
- Stereoplotters: Santoni III, Wild A9'an:B9, Topocart C, 
Stereometrograph G, Technocart D, and Multiplex 
- Transmark B Point Transfer 
- Stecometer C and Coordimeter G 
=: Stersotopo 
- Precision coordinatograph 
- Sketchmasters 
- Mirror stereoscopes 
- Interpretation stereoscopes equipment 
- Microdensitometer 
- Microcomputers EGO-PC (compatible with IBM/PC). 
Besides this equipment there are theodolites, precision levels, 
EDM and acessories for Astronomy, Geodesy and Topography and 
light tables for Cartography. 
3.4.-Test' field of Botücatu (TFB) 
The TFB project is active since 1982. Currently it is the 
greatest project of DCart. Essencially it searches to establish 
the necessary infra-structure to support the researches of the 
department, as well as to complete the didatic activities for 

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