Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

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U:T:A = 105043 where U+T+A = = 1.2 million people. 
An important task of ISPRS WG VI-1 is to determine whether the 
ratio 1:5:4 also applies to photogrammetry and remote sensing 
or whether in these disciplines there exists a more or less 
different ratio. It is hoped that more concrete information 
on the existing ratio U:T:A for photogrammetry and remote 
sensing can be determined later on using the data provided by 
the regional sub-working groups. 
A further task of ISPRS WG VI-1 is the determination of the 
actual proportions of the world's photogrammetry and remote 
sensing manpowers in government services and in the private 
sector. As to the world's total S & M manpower, it is es- 
timated that 60% of this manpower work in government agencies 
and 40% in the private sector. It is necessary to determine 
whether this ratio also applies to photogrammetry and remote 
sensing; with other words the specific ratio for photogrammetry 
and remote sensing still has to be determined. There is an- 
other important task of ISPRS WG VI-1 namely to determine the 
number of new personnel which is or is supposed to be graduated 
or trained each year as a percentage of the world's total 
active photogrammetry and remote sensing manpower. According 
to Ref. 2 and for the world's total S & M manpower this per- 
centage is or is supposed to be 5% of the active manpower 
(taking into consideration the varying retirement ages in 
various countries). Regarding the world's photogrammetry and 
remote sensing manpower, it has to be determined whether such 
a percentage is also applicable to these professions and if 
not to find the most appropriate annual education and training 
percentage (of the active manpower) for the world's photogram- 
metry and remote sensing manpower. For this purpose both the 
actual proportion of the photogrammetry and of the remote 
sensing manpowers have to be known and this because of the 
rather different educational backgrounds and study programs 
for these two manpower sub-disciplines. If one only considers 
the application of photogrammetry for national geodesy and 
base mapping and if one only considers the application of 
remote sensing for thematic mapping, it is known that these 
operations on an official basis are mainly the responsibility 
of the national cartographic agencies (e.g., the U.S.G.S. 
Division of National Mapping or the Main Administration of 
Geodesy & Cartography of the USSR). In this particular case 
the above mentioned proportions have been determined and have 
been published for the year 1980 in Ref. 3. According to this 
reference and in the year 1980 the manpowers of the world's 
national cartographic agencies included 9% in photogrammetry 
and 12 in remote sensing, i.e. a ratio of 9:1. However, con- 
sidering the whole professions and on a global basis it can be 
assumed that at present the ratio is somewhat different due to 
the more rapid increase of the world's remote sensing manpower. 
It will be the task of ISPRS WG VI-1 to determine the present 
ratio between the world's photogrammetry and remote sensing 
people which ratio will be of importance for the planning of 
future education and training requirements of the two manpowers 
(photogrammetry and remote sensing). 

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