Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

1) Two steps training 
1. Fundamental training using artificial data. 
2. Application training using remotely sensed data. 
2) Graphic and interactive operation 
Trainees can check their understanding level and 
improvement through. try and error procedure using 
graphic and interactive operation. 
3) Game type exercise 
The exercises are constructed like computer games so 
trainees can learn remote sensing with fun. 
The author would like to express his appreciation to Dr. Takeuchi 
and Mr. Iso of RESTEC for giving assistance and advise for 
developing ENDIPS-T. 
1) Cho, K., et al., Landsat Floppy Disk Distribution and Data 
Processing Using a Micro-Computer, Proceedings of the 
ESCAP Regional Conference on Recent Development in Remote 
Sensing Equipment and Technology, Republic of Singapore, 1985. 
2) NEC Aerospace Systems, Ltd., LODIA USER'S GUIDE, 1986. 

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