Full text: 16th ISPRS Congress (Part B6)

be exposed on to the film, Thanks to the introduction of 
intermediate f-stops, the sensitivity of the automatic 
exposure control has been increased, The latest addition 
to Jena’s aerial photography equipment is the NCU 2000 
Navigation & Control Unit developed in 1987, 
which now permits the camera system to be operated by a 
single person, The standard control unit and the NCU fit 
the same mount, so that conversion between the two modes 
of operation can be effected quickly and easily. 
Since 1911, the Jena optical works have made outstanding 
contributions to the development of aerial photography. 
The Jena scientists and engineers have always been guided 
by the most advanced international standards, not seldom 
setting new standards themselves, 
The Jena optical works today live up tO that tradition, 
which is made evident by such extraordinary products as 
the MKF-6 or the LMK, This report, without claiming comple- 
teness, outlines the history of aerial camera design at 
Jena by way of significant product developments - from the 
balloon camera to the LMK-1000, This is, at the same time, 
part of the history of photogrammetry, 
/A/ Schumann,R,: Development of photographic instrumentation 
from the turn of the century to the year 1945, Kompendium 
Photogrammetrie, Vol. XVIII, Leipzig 1986. Akademische 
Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig K.G. 
/2/ Szangolies,K.: Der photogrammetrische Gerätebau in Jena - 
Rückblick und Gegenwart, Vermessungstechnik, Berlin 27 
(1979)9, pp. 305-308 
/3/ Manek,F.: Zeittafel der Bildmessung. Vermessungstechnik, 
Berlin 4(1956), pp. 59,139,179 
/4/ Schóler,H.: Allgemeine Entwicklungslinien der photogramme- 
trischen Meßtechnik und ihre Geräte - ein historischer 
Überblick, Vermessungstechnik, Berlin 21(1973), pp. 281- 
/5/ Kompendium Photogrammetrie Vols, I -XVII, Jena/Leipzig, 
1958-1985. Gustav Fischer Verlag/Akademische Verlags- 
gesellschaft Geest & Portig K.G. 

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